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I make my way to the kitchen and I hurry to put on a pot of coffee. Just as I hit start, my girls emerge from the hallway. Climbing up on the chairs opposite me, they flop down everything I asked for onto the counter between us.

“His brains are falling out.” Regan’s lower lip trembles and I bite at my lip to keep from smiling.

“Mommy will push them back in.” Riley reaches out to hug her sister. Regan leans into her, nodding against her shoulder and I watch as they comfort one another through the situation they each created. It’s hysterical but also beautiful.

I get to work while sneaking a cup of coffee in between.

Once the surgeries are completed, the girls move into the living room where they snuggle on the couch watching cartoons and sharing a blanket. Leaning my hip against the counter, I sip on my fuel until I hear my phone chime with an incoming message.

Smiling to myself when I notice the messages are from my other two best girls. Emma and Lucy have always and still do keep me sane. They are always in my corner, ready to run to my rescue and pick me up when I fall. Yes, sometimes they drive me to drink outside of Wine-Down Wednesday’s, but in reality,without the two of them, I’m not sure how I would have gotten through the last several years.

Emmalee and Lucy are my escape, the two woman that have never judged me for my mistakes and always let me fall apart if needed and are the first to pick me back up. They are my ride or die, the help me hide the body kind of friends.

But this morning it would seem Emmalee is feeling a little gossipy.

Emmalee: I heard about the uncomfortable silence between you and Jay.

Granted nothing gets by the people of Magnolia Grove, and it would appear the gossip train is starting early.

Me: Of course there was silence it was a funeral.

Lucy: Wait, what happened?

Emmalee: Zoey clammed up.

Me: Really?

Emmalee: It’s what I heard.

Me: Your source sucks.

Lucy: Will someone please explain?

Me: It was nothing.

Emmalee: It was something.

Lucy: Why do I always miss the juicy stuff?

Me: I don’t have time for this, I’ve already performed brain surgery with optical reattachment and that was all before I had my first cup of coffee.

Lucy: Awe did Ralph lose his eye again?

Me: Riley tore it out when Regan took Rufus and hid him.

Lucy and Emmalee know my girls so well. We generally have Wine-Down Wednesdays at my house since I’m the only one out of the three of us that has kids at this point. So they’ve witnessed the battle of wills, and they’ve played referee right alongside of me.

Emmalee: The diabolical ways of Riley frighten even me. That girl is fearless, I love it!

Me: Please do not congratulate her on dismembering Ralph when you see her, Em!

Emmalee: No worries, I am mentally high-fiving her now, it’s all good.

Lucy: Poor Regan.

Me: They are both cuddling on the couch with each other watching cartoons now like it never even happened.

The conversation is successfully averted as both Lucy and Emma veer off to talk about their plans for the day for which I am thankful.
