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Rogan’s jaw drops.

Maeve holds up her clenched fist and then spreads her fingers out. “Mic drop.”

Rogan leaps to his feet, stretching his arms wide. “I’m a man.” He slowly turns in a complete circle before sitting down once more.

I raise an eyebrow. “Says themanwho gets in trouble for being late to class.”

The stunned look on Rogan’s handsome face barely registers before Maeve leaps to her feet, drawing my attention. “Boo-fucking-yeah!” she shouts, high-fiving me. When she drops back onto the couch, she plucks a glass from the tray and raises it my way. “To the first woman to put Rogan in his place.” She sips the margarita and licks her lips. “This drink is phenomenal. You’re officially my favorite person.”

“Hey, you should have my back. Blood is thicker than water,” Rogan grouses.

“You’re lucky it was a verbal spanking and not some girl at school kicking your ass,” Maeve tells him.

“Why would they kick my ass when they love me so much?” he asks.

Maeve glances at me. “See what I deal with? He’s hopeless.”

I smile and then look at Rogan. “I don’t know. He’s young and dumb?—”

“Hey,he’sright here,” he cuts me off.

I hold up a finger. “Let me finish. He does have a certain charm and the blue O’Rourke eyes going for him.”

“Thank you.” Rogan sends a smoldering gaze my way with said eyes. Oh Jesus. If he unleashes that look at unsuspecting coeds on campus, they’ll be screwed.Literally.

“Which of your parents is the outgoing one?” I ask.

“Both of them. Why?” Maeve asks.

“The two of you are so outgoing, and Niall is more…” I struggle for the right word. “Reserved.”

“I think you mean grumpy,” Rogan corrects with a chuckle.

I guess it’s not a “me” thing.

Maeve narrows her eyes at him. “Be nice. He’s been through a lot.”

What happened?

“I know, but he needs to get over the past and move on.”

Get over what?

“Maybe he’s trying to,” she suggests.

“Maybe he should try harder,” Rogan counters.

“I didn’t mean to stir up family issues,” I say.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Maeve says. “Niall‘s ex did him wrong, and he’s been dealing with the fallout.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it. The media’s been all over the story for the last six months,” Rogan says.

“I don’t follow hockey or watch much television in general. I’m usually too busy doing research for my job.”

“What do you do?” he asks.

“I host a local TV show about finding Bigfoot.”
