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Maeve’s eyes widen. “For real?”

“Yep. We’re currently about to start filming season four.”

“Dude, that’s the coolest fucking job,” Rogan says, a hint of awe in his tone.

“Thanks. I think so too.”

“I believe in all that shit—Bigfoot, Nessie, ghosts, demons, aliens—am I missing anything?” he asks.

My lips curve at his exuberance. “I think you covered them all.”

Rogan yanks his phone from his pocket, glancing at the screen. “I need to run now. I think you should come to dinner tomorrow night,” he suggests.

“It’ll be Christmas Eve,” I say.

Maeve nods vehemently. “That’s a fantastic idea.”


“We’ll see you at six o’clock. You don’t need to bring anything except some Bigfoot stories,” he says.

“I get it now. I’m entertainment.”

“And eye candy,” he says, winking. “See you then.”

My entire body trembles as I reach Niall’s front door. I’m unsure if I’m shivering from the drop in temperature or nervous energy. I’m confused about why I accepted Rogan’s invitation to dinner with the O’Roarke siblings. Maybe it’s because this is the first year I haven’t wanted to go to my cousin’s house for Christmas Eve, but sitting home alone didn’t appeal to me either.

I reposition the gift bags in my hand and glance down the front of my body. I hope my black sweater and jeans aren’t too casual. Perhaps I should go home and change.

Perhaps I should get a grip.

I’m being ridiculous. My clothing doesn’t matter. It’s not like they’ll turn me away for being underdressed.

I knock on the door before I can overthink things any longer. I’m expecting Maeve to be the one to open the door, but she’s not. And now I’m staring up at Grumpalumpugus. The one reassuring piece is he seems as surprised as I am.

“Lucy, uh, hi.”

“Hi, Gr… I mean, Niall.” I paste a polite smile on my face.

“What can I do for you?” he asks.

“For starters, you can let me in.”

He flinches as he registers how frigid the night air is. “Come on in.” He steps aside, allowing me to pass by, then closes the door.

“Lucy,” Maeve shouts as she reaches the entryway. “I’m so glad you came.” She gives me a quick squeeze. “Niall, Lucy’s having dinner with us.”

His eyes bulge out of his head like a fish before he composes his expression. “How nice.”

A laugh slips from me before I can contain it. “What’s funny?” he asks.

“You are. Your expression was hilarious.” I turn to Maeve. “Don’t you think you should’ve told your brother Rogan invited me to dinner?”

She shrugs innocently. “It slipped my mind.”

“If you’re uncomfortable with me being here, I can leave. But if I do, you won’t get your Christmas present.” I jiggle the paper bags in my hand. He looks like he’s contemplating sending me away when Maeve hooks her arm through mine, leading me toward the kitchen.

“Of course you’re staying. We have plenty of food. Just so you know, we never turn anyone with a gift away,” she tells me.
