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“You need to shoot for someone in your age bracket.” I wave my arm to catch Calista’s attention. She smiles when she sees me and hurries over. I hold my arms open, and she runs into them. “Congratulations!” We rock side to side while we hug.

When we finally part, she shows me her ring. “It’s beautiful, just like you,” I say.

“Holy crap. That’s some engagement ring,” Maeve says, reminding me I’m not here alone.

“Calista, this is Niall’s sister Maeve and his brother Rogan.”

The three of them exchange greetings, and Rogan surprises her with a hug.

“Behave yourself,” I tell him.

He grins. “I’m just being friendly.”

I roll my eyes.

“We better get to our seats,” Maeve says.

“Brrr, it’s cold in here.” I’m glad I wore my boots and long wool coat.

“You’ll get warm once the game starts,” Calista says.

“Do they turn the heat on then?” I ask.

“No.” She laughs.

“I think she means you’ll warm up from watching all the hot hockey players,” Maeve explains.

“Yep, that’s it,” Calista agrees.

Rogan takes the lead, guiding us through the crowd and getting us to our seats only a few rows up from the ice. When we’re seated, I’m between Calista and Maeve.

“Are you excited?” Maeve asks.

“I wouldn’t say that. Curious is a better choice.” I can’t tell her I’m wondering why I came. The arena is freezing, and there’s a weird smell in here. My ass is cold, and the seat is small and uncomfortable. But I’m here with friends to watch my new friend.

Is Niall my friend?

He brought me cookies and stepped in when he noticed Les spying on us. That seems like the makings of a friendship.

I watch the players skating around and warming up. Their movements are powerful and smooth. I can see the skill that’s necessary to be able to fly around the ice like they do.

Calista nudges my arm with hers. “I never thought I’d see the day you’d be at a hockey game.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve been sitting here questioning why I am.”

“It’s not all bad. We get to hang out,” she says.

“That alone makes it worthwhile,” I say, smiling at her.

“Plus, you’ve dragged me to more than one football game. It only seems fair you repay the favor,” she points out.

“This is true.”

“There’s Niall,” Maeve says, pointing at number seventy-five. He’s a big guy off the ice, but with all his gear on, he looks intimidating as fuck, and it’s kind of hot.

Is it okay to think a friend is hot?

Calista presses her leg into mine to get my attention. “I’m going to tell you something that’ll make you laugh,” she says. “There’s an entire section of women that call themselves The Goode Girls and wear clothing that says Goode Girl.”
