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“Hey, I already apologized for sleeping through the ride here.”

“You’re like a baby who naps whenever they’re traveling somewhere.” She laughs.

“I’ll stay awake on the ride home and disprove your statement.”

“Did you have a late night?” she asks.

“You could say that.”

A line appears between her brows.

“We hung out in Kaiden’s room and ordered a shitload of room service and beer.”

“Oh.” The line disappears in a flash when her eyebrows lift. “Are you ready to see Bigfoot?”

“I am. I’ve been looking forward to this day since we discussed it.”

She glances down at my hiking boots. “Good choice of footwear.”


“And Mother Nature is cooperating.” She raises her face to the sun and smiles, closing her eyes. I take advantage of the moment, studying her. She’s dressed in jeans and boots, much like mine, with her long hair twisted in a knot on top of her head. Her full lips curve as the sun’s rays bathe her face.

“Lucy.” Barry calls her name as he approaches.

She snaps out of her relaxed state. “Yes?”

“We need to get started if we want to get all the shots we planned out.”

She stretches both arms out. “We’re ready.”

We begin the trek through the forest. The farther in we go, the more eerily quiet it is. Part of me is waiting for something tojump out at us. After about thirty minutes, we stop and the crew starts setting up the cameras and lights.

Lucy wanders over to me. “I’m going to introduce you and ask you some questions.”

I nod. “Okay. Sounds easy enough.”

“We need to move over to that grassy area.” She points it out before we meander over. “You stand here facing the cameras,” she instructs. “I’ll be next to you. Just be natural. Don’t worry about where you’re looking.”

“This isn’t my first time being on camera,” I remind her.

“I know. Don’t mind me. I’m going through my usual instructions for guests. I forgot for a moment that I’m dealing with a professional.”

Lucy speaks with her crew and checks the angles of the cameras. She gives a satisfied nod and returns to stand beside me. My lips arc into a smile.

“What?” she asks.

“It’s nice seeing you in your element.”

“Ignore my bossiness. I’m obsessive about the shot angles.”

“It’s obvious how much you love your work.”

She smiles. “Thank you.”

“Take your places,” Barry shouts.

Lucy shifts slightly closer to me and gives me a thumbs-up. “Ready?”
