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I nod. “Ready.”

“And roll,” Barry says.

“On this week’s episode ofBigfoot’s Hairy Tale, I’ve got a treat for you. Niall O’Rourke, the enforcer from the Charleston Coyotes, is here with me. Niall, how are you enjoying living in the great state of South Carolina?”

“It’s been amazing. I love the mild winter temperatures, and the house I’m living in is great. My neighbors have been welcoming, one in particular.” I smile at her.

“How’s the team treating you?” she asks.

“I love those guys. It feels like we’ve been playing together for years.”

“Are you ready for some adventure today?”

“I am.”

“Before we get started, where do you stand on the Bigfoot debate? Are you a non-believer, a believer, or not sure?”

“I’d like to believe he exists. How cool would that be?” I look at the camera as if I’m asking the viewers at home. “But in actuality, I’m solidly unsure if he exists.”

“Let’s see if we can make a believer out of Niall.” She smiles at the camera.

“Cut,” Barry shouts.

“What now?” I ask.

“We’re going on a little nature walk.”

The “little” nature walk lasts for hours and is interspersed with filming more footage. Lucy and her crew handle it like a walk in the park.

We’re almost back to camp, and I’m looking forward to drinking an entire gallon of water. The sips I’ve been taking throughout the day haven’t quenched my thirst.

“Are you enjoying a day in the life of Lucy?” she asks, glancing at me. The quick shift in her focus is all it takes for her to miss the raised tree root. The toe of her boot catches, and she falls face-first. Leaping forward, I catch an arm around her waist and pull her back into me. Now that she’s safe and unharmed, I’m noticing how right she feels in my arms.

“Are you okay?” I ask, my voice suddenly hoarse.

“Yes. Thank you for catching me.”

I tighten my hold, savoring the feel of her curves pressed against me for one last moment before releasing her.

“Maybe you better hold on to me in case I trip again,” Lucy suggests.

I jump at the excuse to touch her more, wrapping my hand around her much smaller one. “We can’t have the star of the show getting hurt.” I wink.



“Need a hand, Lucy?”he asks

I glance up at him, my cheeks flushed from exertion. “If you knew how many times I’ve put up this tent, you wouldn’t be asking that.”

“I can help adjust the poles.” He moves around the tent, ensuring they’re firmly secured in the ground.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. We can’t have your tent falling over.” He winks.

“This old thing is as trustworthy as a best friend. Whenever I think about buying a new one, I remind myself they don’t make them like they used to.”
