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The sun sets behind the trees, bathing Niall in a warm glow as he stacks logs and kindling in the middle of the stone circle. He gets a fire going while I move my bag into my tent. The table was set up hours ago when we first got here. My crockpot is plugged into a solar battery and has been cooking our dinner all afternoon. Niall rolls the large cooler closer to me so I can set out the side dishes and sandwich rolls. He then places lawn chairs in a wide circle around the fire pit.

“Chow time,” I yell to the crew.

Tina is the first to walk over. “What are we having?”

“Pulled pork sandwiches, pasta salad, and potato salad.”

“I’m starving,” Barry says, rubbing his round stomach.

I pat his arm. “I made extra because I know this meal is one of your favorites.”

“You’re an angel,” he says.

Tina rolls her eyes.

“I brought your favorite cake for dessert,” I tell her.

“You did?” Her eyes light up.

“Yep. Guess I’m not so bad.”

“That depends on the day,” she says, smirking.

“Carl!” I shout. “Dinner time.”

He jogs over. “Sorry. I had my earbuds in and didn’t hear you.”

“Who are we waiting on?” Niall asks.

“Brandon and Isaac,” Tina says.

“Anyone know where they disappeared to?” I ask.

“They’re blowing smoke,” Carl says.

I shake my head like a disapproving mother.

“They didn’t want to indulge here because of Niall,” Tina adds.

“I’m not gonna narc on them.” Niall laughs.

“They were afraid you’d test positive from secondhand smoke and it would be their fault,” Carl explains.

“At least they used some common sense,” I say. “Everyone better get their food before those two get back. The munchies will kick in, and they’ll devour everything in sight.”

I’ve never seen Barry move as fast as he currently is. Tina edges him out of the spot and fills her plate first.

“This area is beautiful. Do you ever go camping just for fun?” Niall asks.

“I haven’t in years.”

“Maybe we can go sometime when the hockey season is done,” he suggests.

I step closer to him, placing us chest to chest, and curl my finger so he’ll lean forward. He bends down, positioning his ear near my mouth. “How long do you plan for me to be your fiancée?”

He turns his head toward mine, gazing into my eyes. With only a couple of inches between us, the urge to kiss him is strong. “As long as you’re willing.” His warm breath fans over my lips, tempting me more.

Is he flirting with me?
