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“Black like my heart.” I wink.

She turns in my arms. “Your heart is as black as your hair,” she drolls, ruffling my blond locks. “I’ve seen how much you love your siblings.”

I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Here’s the thing… as an enforcer, I have a reputation as a badass to maintain,” I say.

“I’m a great secret keeper,” she says, miming zipping her lips.

I press my forehead to hers. “That’s not all you’re great at.” Our proximity makes it clear that being this close to her has my body reacting.

“Oh no you don’t.” Her palms go to my chest, pushing me away. “I’ve got a breakfast casserole in the oven, and it’s almost finished baking.”

“I can eat that later, after I’ve eaten you,” I say, my smile filled with wicked intent.

She waves her hand before her face, fanning her flushed cheeks. “Niall.”

“What? Does dirty talking embarrass you? Because I’m not sure I can stop.”

She shakes her head. “It doesn’t embarrass me.”

“Does it turn you on?”

“Yes,” she husks, urging me back another step. “You need to behave for now. I’m starving and I need my coffee before I get cranky as fuck. You don’t want to see that side of me. It’s not pretty.”

She’s so goddamn adorable. And sexy in my sweatshirt. “Did I tell you how much I love my sweatshirt on you?”


I take a step forward, intending to slide my hands up underneath the baggy material to find out if she’s naked.

Her hands go to my chest like a roadblock—I mean a cockblock. “Behave.” She shoots a stern look at me.

“Okay.” I hold up my hands and move over to sit on one of the barstools at the island.

She removes a glass baking dish from the oven and places it on the stove. The scent of bacon in the room intensifies, making my stomach growl. I watch her bustle from the fridge to the coffee maker, my mouth watering at the sight of her toned legs. All that hiking in the woods has been good for more than her career.

Carrying two mugs of coffee in her hands, she stops on the other side of the island and slides one over to me. I laugh when I see it has a picture of Bigfoot in a suit and saysBigfoot for President.

“I’d vote for him,” I say, sipping the coffee. “This is delicious, and I feel special that you used one of your Bigfoot mugs.”

She peers above her own mug. “You are special.” In her eyes, I see the silent “to me”that she didn’t say.

My lips curve against the rim as I take another sip.

She’s special to me too.




“Niall,your flexibility has improved so much in the past month. Keep up the good work,” Murphy says.

“Thanks. But it’s only because you make us twist into fucked-up positions before each game. So I should probably be thanking you for the improvement. But fuck that. I’m not thanking you for causing me pain.”

“You can hate me in this room, but you’ll love me when you’re crushing it on the ice,” he points out.

I nod. “I’ll give you that.”
