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“Is it weird that sometimes I hate you when we’re not in this room?” Ryder jokes.

“I don’t believe you,” Murphy replies, smirking.

Kaiden walks to the table near the windows. “It’s pizza time.” He slaps a few slices on a paper plate and drops onto a chair.

The rest of us race over to see who gets there first. Ryder trips Murphy, darting in front of him. Darius shoves me to the side, but I go right back at him. Unfortunately, Ryder gets the jump on both of us. He fills his plate and finds a seat. Darius waves me onto get mine. I take a few slices and move out of the way. I sit next to Ryder and eat the first piece in no time.

“Did you chew any of that?” Darius asks.

“Honestly, I’m not sure. I don’t know why I’m so hungry lately.”

“Maybe it’s all the sex,” Murphy suggests.

“What makes you think it could be that?” I ask.

Murphy’s head cants. “Dude. You’ve been smiling non-stop for the past week, which means Mr. Grumpy has been getting his rocks off.”

I laugh. “Nice logic.”

“But he’s right?” Darius asks.


Murphy throws his fist in the air. “I knew it!”

“How are things going with you and Lucy?” Kaiden asks. “And I don’t mean your sex life.”

“Everything’s great. She’s amazing. I can’t say enough good things about her. We’ve been spending every moment we can together. We have similar taste when it comes to movies.”

“How are things going with you and Lucy?” Murphy asks. “And by ‘things,’ I mean your sex life.”

“All I’ll say is it’s the best sex of my life.”

“Thank fuck,” Ryder says.

I send him an amused look. “I didn’t know you were so invested in my sex life.”

“I’m not. But now Calista can stop worrying about Lucy being all alone.”

“Niall, have you seen the Coyotes fans’ reaction to the news of your engagement?” Murphy asks, scrolling on his phone.

“Nope, and I don’t plan to.”

“I think you’d be pleasantly surprised if you read the comments. Here’s one of my favorites:Good for him. I always hated that twat, Destiny.Here’s another:He and his fiancéemake a beautiful couple.Check this out:Niall should beat the fuck out of Garrett.”

At the time, I wanted to, but now I just feel sorry for him. He’s stuck with Destiny.

“That’s enough. I get the picture,” I say. “I’m glad the narrative has shifted, and I no longer look like a chump.” I smile. I think it’s great that fans want me to be happy and that they’re supportive of Lucy and me. But even if they weren’t, it wouldn’t change anything for me. I found a woman who makes me feel hopeful and look forward to the future again.

The puck flies across the ice, gliding through the mayhem of men on skates. Adrenaline rushes through my system like a drug as I barrel toward it, slamming a member of the opposing team into the boards. The crowd roars its approval.

That’ll teach him to try to get in front of me.

I skate off in pursuit of the black disc and notice Kaiden has possession of it. Bending my knees, I push into the ice and race ahead. My captain quickly passes the puck toward me. When it glides in front of me, I raise my stick and quickly bring it down as if I’m shooting the puck into the ice. With a flick of my wrist, it rises, soaring into the back of the net.

My arms raise in celebration as the crowd’s cheering increases to an ear-splitting volume.

Kaiden grips my shoulder pad, shaking me. “Fucking awesome, O’Rourke.”
