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More like she’s a drug,an irresistible force of nature that I can’t get out of my mind…

Ben nods. “Agreed. We'll make it look good for the public, and she'll be happy thinking she's making a difference. It's a plan,” he says.

As Ben insists on involving Emily in our plan to salvage the marina's reputation, a wave of hesitation washes over me. The idea of facing her again, especially in this awkward context, doesn't sit well with me. I'm torn between wanting to protect my connection to her and realizing that Ben might have a point.

Reluctantly, I watch as Ben heads off to fetch Chris. This decision feels like it's out of my hands now, and I have no idea how Emily will react when she learns of our intentions. My grumpy demeanor deepens, and I brace myself for the impending encounter.

An encounter I’ve been secretly hoping for, but with an unexpected twist.

Chapter thirteen


“If someone said I would die tomorrow, but I got to eat endless blueberry pancakes until then, I wouldn’t even be mad,” Lily jokes.

The café's outdoor patio is bathed in warm sunlight, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. We're seated at a cozy table adorned with colorful flowers overlooking a bustling street.

“Oh yeah?” I say, taking a bite of my avocado toast drizzled with olive oil. “I guess I could say the same about my breakfast, but it isn’t as exciting.”

As we sip our steaming cups of coffee, the clinking of cutlery and the hum of chatter from nearby tables provide a pleasant backdrop to our brunch date.

Lily takes a thoughtful sip of her cappuccino before changing the subject. “You know, Em, I've been thinking about our upcoming vacation. We've been so caught up with work and environmental issues lately that we need some relaxation.”

I nod, appreciating the shift in conversation. “You're absolutely right. Where do you want to go?”

She grins. “How about a tropical paradise? Somewhere with white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and fruity cocktails. Just pure, blissful relaxation.”

My imagination starts to wander, picturing the idyllic scene she describes. “That sounds amazing. Let's do it. We both deserve a break from the daily grind.”

My phone rings abruptly, disrupting the peaceful afternoon.

I glance at the screen to see that it’s a call from Chris. I give Lily an apologetic look before saying, “Sorry, Lil, let me take this.”

Curious but also hesitant, I answer the call.

“Hey, sis,” he greets me. “I've got an interesting proposal for you.”

I raise an eyebrow, not entirely sure what to expect. “Okay, shoot.”

Chris takes a deep breath before launching into his pitch. “The guys and I have been talking about Sovereign Harbor's environmental footprint, especially after that article came out. Everyone is concerned about the marina's reputation. Long story short, the owner wants to bring in an environmental consultant to help us clean up our act, and I thought of you.”

I feel a mix of emotions welling up inside me. On one hand, it's an opportunity to make a real difference, and the prospect of working on such a crucial issue excites me. On the other hand, I'm well aware that it would mean revisiting Sovereign Harbor, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

I contemplate his proposal for a moment, and my thoughts inevitably drift back to that mysterious, handsome man I encountered that night. Maybe I’ll get a chance to find out who he is if I accept the job. The prospect of running into him, with his true identity still concealed behind a masquerade mask, casts a shadow of hesitation over my decision.

Do I really want to risk seeing him again?Will I even be able to recognize him?

“Yeah, I’m not too sure,” I begin cautiously, my voice betraying my uncertainty.

He sighs, understanding the weight of my reservations. “Look, just because Ben kicked you off his yacht, it's not a permanent thing,” he says.

That’s far from true, I think.

“It’s not that,” I say. “It's…” I come up with a lie. “Why would I want to take a job for someone who is so negatively impacting the environment?”

At this, Lily's eyes widen. She's heard enough of the conversion to understand the gist of it all.

Lily suddenly interjects, “Em, you've got to take this chance! It's what you've been working towards all these years.”
