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Oh no, I groan inwardly.Now that Lily knows about the offer, I can’t deny it.

Remembering that Lily still has no idea what happened that night at the party, I know I’m not ready to tell her the entire truth.

I reply with hesitation, “But, Lily…”

Lily doesn't miss a beat, her tone determined. “Look, you're passionate about saving the environment, right? This job is tailor-made for you.”

I sigh. With no other option, I say, “Okay, I’ll take the job.”

“Great!” Chris responds on the other line. “I’ll send you details soon.”

After I hang up, Lily gives a little squeal of excitement and does a sloppy, happy dance. “This is amazing!” she says. “You can be like our “guy on the inside” as we take down the marina!”

I give her a weak smile, but I can’t help but think of the trouble I just walked into. Accepting the job as an environmental consultant for Sovereign Harbor is undoubtedly a fantasticopportunity to make a real difference. This opportunity aligns perfectly with my passion for protecting marine life.

What if I really do cross paths with that man again…?

Images of that night flash through my mind—his mesmerizing green eyes, the taste of his lips… and the overwhelming desire that surged between us. The thought of encountering him once more both thrills and unnerves me.

What if it gets complicated?I think,what if he's someone I should avoid?

But then, the unwavering voice of reason echoes in my mind. This job is too significant to pass up. It's my chance to advocate for the environment and to make an impact. With Lily's support and Chris's offer, I can't let this one night's fling stand in my way.

With a deep breath, I remind myself that I'm strong and capable. I've always believed in the importance of my work, and this position is tailor-made for me. It's time to seize the opportunity and face whatever may come, even if this job means running into that man again.

Putting those thoughts aside, I take a sip of my coffee. The morning sun streams through the window, casting a warm glow over everything. Lily is chatting away about something, but her words seem to drift past me. As I casually take another bite of my toast, a sudden wave of nausea washes over me. My stomach churns, and I drop my fork onto the plate, my appetite vanishing instantly.

“Lily,” I mumble, my voice shaky as I interrupt her conversation. “I'm not feeling so great. I'll be right back.”

I push my chair and hurry to the bathroom, my heart pounding. Nausea grips me, and I barely make it to the toilet in time. It's a quick but miserable ordeal.

What is going on with me?

I stand up unsteadily, my face pale and clammy. I push open the bathroom stall door and rush over to the sink. Turningon the faucet, I cup my hands beneath the running water and splash my face with the cool liquid. The sensation is refreshing and grounding, helping alleviate some of the sickness that has overtaken me. Droplets of water cling to my skin, and I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself and shake off the unsettling feeling.

I splash more water on my face, taking a moment to catch my breath and regain my composure. My reflection in the bathroom mirror looks back at me, my green eyes wide with worry. Then, as I dab my face dry with a paper towel, my gaze shifts to the wall where a tampon dispenser hangs.


Suddenly, a wave of realization washes over me.

I didn’t have my period this month.

Panic begins to set in as my mind races through the possibilities. Thoughts swirl in my head, and I can't help but wonder…

The fear and uncertainty grip me, making me feel vulnerable and exposed.

I quickly exit the bathroom, my mind filled with questions and concerns I'm not yet ready to face.

Chapter fourteen


Iknow she was going to come today…but I’m so not prepared for this.

As Emily steps onto my yacht's deck, her presence immediately seizes my attention.

There’s this magnetic pull that just grabs my attention as soon as my gaze locks onto those emerald green eyes. With that curly brown hair cascading down her shoulders, she looks… absolutely stunning. Breathtaking. I can't believe she's finally here again, right before my eyes.
