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“Ah, and there they are!” Ben exclaims, slapping me on the back. “Come on, there’s no way we could ever get rid of those bad boys.”

I offer a smile but can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt. Sure, I remain steadfast in my decision to keep the lights. Noenvironmental activist can stop this vital aspect of my business venture.

But I did promise Emily that I would change it. I lied to her intentionally, and I only just now realize the true depth of my deceit.

Suddenly, an unexpected figure walks into the room. I look up to see none other than Nathan in the doorway.

“Nathan?” I ask, my voice making it clear that he was not expected nor invited to our poker game.

“I’m sorry to bother you,” he says tentatively, “But, Mr. Cooper, I've been wondering, did you ever get around to fixing the AC in the lounge? It's been getting pretty stuffy there lately.”

Nathan's question hits me like a curveball in the middle of our poker game. It's a simple inquiry about the air conditioning in my cabin, something I would typically snap at without hesitation. I mean, come on, to interrupt our game with such a pointless question?

But this time, something inside me clicks.

Why get upset? He's just asking a question.I decide to handle it differently.

I glance at Nathan, suppressing the urge to scowl, and consider his question for a moment. The stuffiness in the lounge had been bothering me, too, and I knew it needed fixing.

With a surprising sense of calm, I respond, “You know what, I haven't had the chance yet. I'll get it sorted out soon, though.”

I see Ben and Chris exchange incredulous glances. They were probably bracing themselves for an outburst. But here I am, answering a question about my cabin's air conditioning as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world.

As we return to our poker game, I can't help but wonder what's come over me.

Is it… Emily?I find myself thinking about her again.

After Nathan leaves, Ben casually remarks, “Dude, you've been acting like a better man lately.”

I'm surprised that Ben noticed it, too.

Chris chimes in with a sly grin, “Yeah, Alex, spill the beans. Is there a new woman in your life?”

“Absolutely not,” I snap, perhaps too abruptly. Either way, my tone does the trick. Chris does not expect an answer to the question anymore.

We all return to the game once again.

As we play, I shake my head, not quite believing that Chris happened to be the one asking about my love life.

Chris,of all people.

Chapter twenty-one


“Ilove people-watching,” Lily says as she leans over the railing of our fire escape. “I mean… Just check out those kids down there!”

I follow the direction she points and spot a group of energetic teenagers skateboarding by.

“Right, look at them go,” I remark, nodding toward them. “I wish I had some of that youthful energy left.”

Lily chuckles. “You and I both, Em. But hey, we can still enjoy the view.”

Our attention shifts to a street performer who's gathered a small crowd with his mesmerizing saxophone melodies. I lean closer to Lily and say, “Now that's some serious talent. It's amazing how music can bring people together.”

Lily nods in agreement, her eyes scanning the crowd.

“True. Speaking of bringing people together, look over there,” she says, pointing toward a lively group dancing to the rhythm of another lively street musician. “Those folks know how to have a good time.”
