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But he doesn't hear my cries. The yacht starts to drift away from the dock slowly, like the widening gulf in our relationship. Panic courses through me as I continue yelling, my voice strained and raw, with my heart pounding in my chest.

“Chris, please!” I beg, my voice cracking with emotion.

It’s then that I realize I have no choice. I have to jump. His yacht has barely started moving, so I know I can make it.

I take a deep breath, and with trembling determination, I do it.

I make the leap onto my brother's boat.

For a heart-stopping moment, it seems as though I may miss, but then my fingertips graze the metal surface, and with a final burst of effort, I pull myself aboard.

The impact sends shockwaves of pain through my body, and I let out a gasp of agony. My knees and hands sting from the rough landing, and I can feel bruises forming. But…I made it.

I rise to my feet and stumble slightly, breathless and exhilarated.

Suddenly, Chris's voice pierces through the haze of pain, and I look up to see him behind the wheel of the yacht, driving itthrough the harbor. He is furious, and his words come down like a hammer.

“What the hell were you thinking, Emily? Are you out of your mind?” Chris's anger is fierce, and his face is twisted with frustration.

“I won't give up, Chris," I manage to say, my voice shaky but calm. "We need to talk about this."

He unleashes his frustration, shouting at me for my reckless actions. We argue relentlessly, and the tension between us becomes almost unbearable.

“I just can't believe you, Emily! How could you keep this from me?” Chris's voice trembles with a mix of anger and hurt.

I try to explain myself, “Chris, listen. I... I really like Alex. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

I move closer to him, close enough to see that his knuckles are turning white with how hard he is gripping the steering wheel.

“He’s so much older than you!” Alex repeats.

“I know,” I respond.

Alex hunches over, his brows furrowed.

“He’s your boss now, too!”

“I know,” I respond again.

He throws one arm into the air in an exasperated fit. He whirls on me and yells, “If youknow, then why are you still doing it?” His words hit me like a barrage of bullets.

“You're throwing your future away, Emily! What about your job? What about your own dreams and plans?” Chris's tone is accusatory, and I can feel tears of frustration welling up in my eyes.

I take a deep breath, trying to hold my ground. “Chris, you don't understand how I feel about Alex. I… really,reallylike him. I tried to ignore my feelings for him…I tried! I know what I'm getting into, and I want to make this work.”

Chris's face contorts with disbelief. “Emily, this isn't some fairy tale! You're being naive, and you're risking everything.”

The argument stretches on, and it seems like we may never reach a resolution. Our voices rise and fall like the waves crashing against the boat. As we fight, Chris steers the yacht through the harbor, his anger still simmering as he speaks fast, not paying full attention to the vessel's movement. I grip onto a nearby railing, feeling the boat sway beneath me as I try to maintain my balance.

“Emily, you have to understand,” Chris begins, his voice raised over the sound of the wind and waves, “I'm worried about you. You're my little sister, and this whole situation with Alex is... it's complicated. You're risking so much.”

Desperate to make him see reason, I call out, “Chris, please, just slow down and listen. I know it's not easy, but I care about Alex, and I want to make this work.”

Chris finally puts the yacht on break, causing it to come to an abrupt halt. He turns around to face me, his eyes still filled with frustration and concern. “Emily,” he says firmly, “you're young, and Alex is your boss. There's a big age gap and… too many complications. I mean—you know how he is. Are you sure you've thought this through?”

I meet his gaze with determination, even as my heart races from the boat's sudden stop. “Okay, you can stoprepeatingyourself,” I say, calling him out. “I've thought about it more than you can imagine. I know the risks, but I can't just ignore how I feel. Please, give us a chance.”

Chris's anger starts to wane, replaced by concern. He has known me long enough to know that when I have my mind set on something, I won't back down, no matter what he says.

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