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Chris takes a deep breath, his features softening as he looks at me.

“Well,” he begins, his voice calmer now, “I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll give this relationship a chance. Not because I agree with it but because you're my sister, and I care about you. I want to make sure you're not making a huge mistake.”

Relief washes over me as I realize that Chris is willing to put aside his reservations for my sake. It's a small win but an important one. I nod gratefully, tears of gratitude in my eyes.

“I know it won't be easy, but I hope you'll see that Alex and I really care about each other.”

Chris sighs, shaking his head slightly. "I'll keep an eye out for you, Em. Just promise me you'll be careful."

As the tension between us slowly eases, I hug my brother tightly. It's not a perfect resolution, but it's a start, and for now, that's enough.

Chris, his anger slowly subsiding, steers the yacht back toward the dock, this time with more care and control. The boat glides smoothly through the water as the harbor comes back into view. I find a railing to lean against, letting the sea breeze play with my hair and the gentle splashes of water sprinkle my face.

The tension between Chris and me seems to dissolve as the yacht approaches the dock, replaced by a sense of understanding and acceptance.

As we step off his yacht, my brother gives me a brief but heartfelt hug. “I'm heading back to poker night,” he says, his voice much softer now. “Just remember, Em, I care about you. I want what's best for you."

I nod, my throat tight with emotion. “I know, Chris. And thank you for trying to protect me.”

It's a relief to have finally gained Chris's acceptance, even if it came after a heated argument. I know he means well, even if his protective instincts can be overwhelming at times.

As for Alex, well, our encounter on his yacht left no room for doubt. The connection between us is undeniable, and Ican't deny the attraction that has been growing between us. It feels like we're both equally drawn to each other, and it's both exhilarating and terrifying.

With each step I take through the quiet night, I can't help but smile despite the uncertainties that lie ahead. For the first time in a long while, I feel like I'm on the brink of something new and exciting, and I'm ready to face whatever challenges may come my way.

Now, there is only one problem left.

My hand instinctively moves to gently rub my growing belly. Now, I can feel my belly starting to get a little rounder—nothing significant for others to notice just yet. But I know it's growing, and very soon, I would have to tell the others…first Alex, then Chris and Lily.

Telling Alex about our impending baby is a daunting prospect, one that has been looming over me for far too long. The fear of his reaction has kept me silent, and I've allowed it to fester and grow. I know I can't put it off any longer.

With every step I take, the weight of this unspoken truth feels heavier. I can't help but wonder how he'll react, whether he'll be overjoyed or resentful, supportive or distant. It's a terrifying unknown, and I find myself battling so many emotions…fear, anxiety…and a glimmer of hope that he'll understand.

I know I need to summon the courage to have this conversation, no matter how difficult it may be.

The time has come for us to face this reality together.

Chapter twenty-six


My heart is still racing, thinking about how upset Chris seemed after catching Emily and I kissing.

As Emily swiftly departs, her silhouette disappearing into the night, I'm left standing there, trying to regain my composure.

With her gone, there's only anxiousness lingering in my mind.

Will she be okay?

I’m sure it must be hard fighting with someone you are close to about something so important. I can only trust that she will stay strong as she talks to Chris and that she won’t change her mind about me after listening to what he has to say.

They are family, after all…

Ben's voice cuts through the night, jolting me from my thoughts. “Wait, what was that…”

My heart quickens as I mentally scramble to find the right words to say, attempting to make sense of the sudden intrusion into our moment with Emily. I turn my attention toward Ben, searching for any clues or context in his expression.

“Uhm,” I begin, trying to buy myself some time. “What do you mean?”
