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She looks at me with concern. I already know what she’s thinking: this is an awful idea.

“Is that wise? All of us heading to the same location at once?” she asks.

“No one will be able to break in regardless whether they know where we’re heading or not,” I answer, adjusting my button-up.

“No one was also supposed to be able to get a shot in on you, Nico,” Anya argues.

The drive to my parents’ usually takes just over an hour, but Jimmy got us here right at the hour mark. As we enter the foyer, Bash’s voice echoes through the house, barking orders.

“I want to know which guards were up there and if they’re still alive!” Bash demands before looking at us.

Enzo appears with my laptop, handing it over. Wasting no time, I fire it up.

“Oh, thank God!” Donna runs to give Anya a hug. “I was so worried. I didn’t know what happened to you.”

“I’m okay,” Anya mutters to her sister. “How are you? Where are Papa and Dom? Lili? Max? Maya?” She scans the room.

“I’m fine. They’re fine,” Donna says before she looks over at me. “Papa and Dom are waiting in the library. Maya and Max are being escorted home. Lil left with her parents.”

Releasing a breath, I figured, but the confirmation of everyone’s safety allows me to relax.

Donna turns to me. “What did I tell you about bad luck?”

I don’t bother hiding my eye roll as my wife lets out a laugh.

“Marcella will help you to a room, okay? We have some things to discuss,” Anya tells her sister, giving her a hug and kiss before they part.

Carrying my laptop in one arm and wrapping my other around my wife who’s still trembling slightly, I guide her to the library.

The room is massive, with large plush couches. Tall ceilings and windows make up most of the back wall. Delicate curtains line the walls as well as books neither of my parents have likely ever touched. My brothers and I used to meet with our tutors here, but I’ve never seen my parents spend much time there. Thedamn room even has a ladder in it. There’s a large wooden table prepared with refreshments and pastries.

Anya immediately shoots out of my arms once she spots Dom and Cesare. I take my place at a table near the wall while Dante also sets his computer up next to me. Bo, Kai, my brothers, and others file in. I’m surprised my father isn’t joining, the nosy man that he is. He’s likely tending to Ma, who’s preparing the house for guests.

Jimmy and Kai are huddled around a laptop, speaking quietly, their faces both pissed off and grim.

“Kai, Jimmy, what do we know so far?” Anya asks as she moves to sit by me. She’s since kicked off her heels, holding them in one hand.

“After reviewing the footage, it looks like... there was asecondsniper,” Jimmy replies as he types.

The flat screen lights up, and without another word, he plays the video.

“There aren’t any cameras on the rooftops, but I was able to get some CCTV footage through a reflection. You can see our guy getting taken out by sniper number one, then the sniper two appears to take his shot at Nico,” Jimmy explains as we watch the footage on repeat.

The image is grainy since it was taken at night, the reflection not making it any easier to see. But it’s obvious when our man drops and then another dark figure shortly appears to set up. Its time stamp shows the whole ordeal went down in less than two minutes from the moment the first shot went off.

“So, you accepted the job, and they still sent someone else to do it? How could they have known?” Anya asks.

“Maybe he took too long?” Dante suggests.

“Or someone from the inside told them,” Dominic pipes up.

“We don’t even know if it was actually the 14K, just that the message came from Hong Kong,” Kai says.

“Two snipers.” Jimmy grunts, shaking his head.

“Gotta admit. Kinda smart.” Dominic smirks, looking all too pleased.

Damn, asshole.
