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I throw her a wink. “Wouldn’t dream of it, wife.”

Bo and Kai nod while Bash draws his attention to me.

“I think this goes without saying, but you’re going to have to push back your honeymoon.”

Dominic looks like he smells something rotten.

My wife rolls her eyes. “We have to do something. This can’t go unpunished.”

“What might you suggest?” Cesare asks as he moves to one of the chairs around the dining table.

He’s a natural leader and mentor.

“Blow up his house,” Anya jokes, reaching over to pour herself tea.

Cesare chuckles. “You can do better than that, bambina.”

Anya takes a moment to think before answering. “The Golden Triangle.” She narrows her eyes, and the room stills. “You said he’s already involved with the cartel, right?”

Picking up on the tension, Grayson asks, “What’s The Golden Triangle?”

“She’s referring to the spot where Burma, Thailand, and Laos meet, The Golden Triangle. Also known as the heroin capital of the world,” Tao replies.

Cesare beams with pride. “Now you’re thinking like a boss.”

“The drugs and women are shipped from California and Mexico to mainly Asia and parts of Europe. I’m assuming other goods and forms of payment are coming back?” Anya asks.

Bo nods. “Fentanyl, heroin, other opioids. More trafficking victims.”

We all knew the 14K and cartel still heavily relied on flesh peddling. Sick fucks. It was the only thing that came close to making them as much money as the opioid epidemic.

China is still the world’s primary source for such drugs. Without a word, I pull up a map of their trade routes on my laptop projecting on the large flat screen.

My wife nods as she takes in the information. “I want to make sure the victims go free. I couldn’t care less what happens to his drugs.”

“And Caishen never gets his payday,” Bash finishes, catching on to her plan.

“It’s a good plan. Neither will get paid, and we’ll free a bunch of missing people. Our hands stay clean. This could work.” I nod, skimming the patterns. “We can intercept the trade once they dock in Shanghai by tipping off the authorities, and they won’t be able to send their payment out, either. Then China will have the cartels on their asses, and maybe they’ll leave us alone.”

Anya nods. “I don’t want just Shanghai. If we can’t kill him, I want the big three.”

“This is good. If we let law enforcement handle it, they won’t tie it back to us,” Bash responds.

“Exactly,” my wife says as she tips her cup before taking a drink.

Cesare smiles at my wife, and Dominic reaches over for a fist bump. “Well done.”

“I’m not done yet,” my wife replies with a mischievous grin.


“Nico, let me get a better look at you,” I say to my husband, entering our bedroom with him trailing me.

Heading straight for the vanity, I jump at my own reflection. My dress and hair are completely disheveled. I quickly work my fingers through my curls in an attempt to gain control of the situation.

Running my fingers over the material of my red wedding dress, I think of my mother. She was with me today every step of the way. Ever since I found her dress and jewels in the vault, I’d been obsessing over them. Not because of their worth but because they’re hers. She’s worn these pieces, touched them.

I used the material of her dress and had it repurposed. My entire wedding wardrobe was my mother’s. I carefully take thepriceless antique necklace and matching earrings off. The lariat necklace consisted of a delicate pattern of opalescent and pink diamonds that dripped right into my cleavage, and the large drop earrings completed the set. The pieces were gifted to my mother on her wedding day from my father.

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