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“What else do we know about him that isn’t in some file?” Enzo asks.

“He’s a sick son of a bitch, from what I’ve heard,” Bash says, crossing his arms. “He’s on his fourth wife, who’s only just turned nineteen. They were married two years ago.”

The room erupts with groans of distaste. Our father and Bash dealt with Caishen on occasion. Any time the bastard step foot on U.S. soil, we knew about it. But he never caused us trouble before. Until now.

“The age of consent in China is fourteen,” Bo explains with a grimace. “It doesn’t make it right, but they won’t criticize him for it. The other three all had mysterious deaths. Childbirth. Suicide. Accident. He has one son from his first wife, Xander Goh, thirty-one years old.”

Anya shakes her head, brows pinched. “What could he possibly want with me? And why does he think trying to kill Nico is the answer to get it?”

“Caishen wants to play matchmaker,” I put it plainly.

“My daughter, I don’t think you’ve yet grasped the gravity of the position you’ve put yourself in,” Cesare tells Anya.

“What is that supposed to mean?” she asks, shifting in her seat.

“You are one of—if not—themost powerful woman on this side of the globe. Maybe even the world.” He states, a hint of pride lacing his voice.

Her eyebrows pinch as she processes that information.

Bo nods. “If the 14K can get their hands on the US, it would—”

“Completely tip the scales,” Bash answers.

“He already outnumbers all of us.” Anya crosses her arms. “What could he possibly gain from this?”

“It’s not just numbers,” Bo answers. “He already has Asia and parts of Europe and Australia. He works with the cartels in the West, but if he gets his hands on the East, he would gain more power than anyone ever has.”

“Making an enemy out of any of us isn’t going to get him anywhere,” Anya replies.

“That’s true. He can’t afford a war with all three of us.”

“We can deliberate all we want about what his goals are, but it’s not going to get us anywhere,” Bash says.

“He’s right,” Tao chimes. “How do you want to respond, boss? Caishen just tried to take out your husband. Most people would call that a death sentence.”

“I want his head,” my wife states quietly, rage radiating off of her.

“You kill Caishen—it’s guaranteed to start a war,” Bo cautions.

“And what do you call trying to kill my husband?” She fumes.

“We need to be smart about this. Killing him outright could bring us a world of hell,” Bash adds.

Grayson opens his mouth for the first time.

“So, we just let him live?”

Bo turns to him. “There are worse fates than death, Grayson.”

“What’s it to you?” I bark.

“Got something to say to me?” Grayson clips back.

“Enough!” my wife interjects. “Bo, put out some feelers. I know some of the families here still have close ties overseas.”

Several of their men has family in China and were loyal to the Gohs at some point.

“Kai, I want to know what his travel pattern has been the last few months, and I want to know his every move going forward. Nico”—she pauses—“you’re gonna do whatever it is you want to do either way, so just don’t keep anything from me.” She glances at me.
