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“Tell us about this woman?” Bash asks in disgust.

Xander’s stance tenses, his jaw so tense I can practically hear his teeth grinding.

“He sold her. I was back in Hong Kong, and my father took that as an opportunity to grab her from her London flat. I got word that she was at the docks when you tipped off the Chinese authorities.”

“We had nothing to do with that,” Bash interjects.

We might potentially be on the same team, but I wasn’t admitting to shit. Nobody likes a narc.

Xander smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Allegedly.” He pauses. “She wasn’t accounted for when they brought in the men, women, and children. She somehow escaped when the cops showed up. She thinks I’m responsible for what happened to her, so she’s now on the run, and I need to find her. But I need Caishen out of the way first.”

“Okay, so kill him? Problem solved,” Dominic retorts.

“You know how this works. I can’t just kill him and assume his place. The men would mutiny. Their loyalty is to the code, not just the man.”

“Say we do help you and take him out—how do we know you won’t go back on your word?” Cesare questions.

“Because they will listen to me as long as I don’t kill Caishen myself. I’ll have to find other ways to appease them, which isn’t your concern, but it’ll be a small price to pay. Plus, you have something I want. Or someone, I should say.”

“And that is . . . ?”

My teeth are grinding so hard I’m surprised they aren’t turning to dust.

“I hear you have the best tracker in the Western Hemisphere.” His eyes shift to each of us in the room. “Dante Borelli.You have him locate her, and we’ll call it even.”

“You sure men won’t come after us for killing your father?”

“They won’t because I say so. As long as I’m not responsible for my father’s death.”

I share a look with the room. Bash and Cesare nod.

“Sit. Let’s discuss the details. Nico, get Dante here,” Bash orders.

* * *

Present day

Stretching out my arms and rolling my shoulders to release tension, I send a silent prayer that everything today goes according to plan.

Kill Goh once and for all.

Get my wife back.

Preferably, he’d die a slow, painful death. Gutting the bastard like a fish and feeding his liver and kidneys to the sharks and making sure his last moments on Earth are pure hell. Unfortunately, time is not a luxury we can afford, so quick death will have to do.

Mercy is wasted on men like him. He doesn’t deserve peace. But my priority is to safely retrieve Anya and get the fuck out of here.

I look down at my bruised knuckles from when I ended Isaac’s miserable existence. Shaking myself out of the memory, I glance at my brothers and Dante sitting next to me.

The whole cavalry is with us today. Outfit men and Cesare take up another helicopter. Bo, Jimmy, and Tao are in another with more Triad men. Across from me are Kai, Dom and Grayson, who insisted he come along. Never did I think I’d be in a copter with the Outfit Prince let alone Anya’s long-lost brother, who, apparently, is not a traitor.

I still haven’t apologized, and I don’t plan on it. I’m not even sure if he’s expecting one but doesn’t seem bothered either way.My mind briefly wanders to the conversation with Xander when he first approached us.

The goddamn locker room. They got to us. Into our lives and under our skin. And it was so easy for them. Too easy. Even with all my safety measures in place, they found a way around it. Would I ever be able to make the world safe for my wife? For our future children.

I’m ripped from my thoughts when the pilot’s voice booms over the intercom.
