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Forrest smirks lightly. “Maybe not.”

“You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be,” I tell him, cupping his face. “Here with us.” I turn to Bennet and Gabe. “We’re all exactly where we’re supposed to be.”

“Well, maybe not here,” Bennet counters uncomfortably.

“All right, let’s get the hell out of here,” Gabe concedes. “Let’s pack up. I’ll arrange for a car to take us to the airport. And as soon as we get back to California, we’ll see about Stella’s condo.”

I take one last look at the cabin where we spent the past month. I’m consumed with bittersweetness as I look around, a feeling of nostalgia and anger simultaneously.

But if I hadn’t come here, I never would have met the loves of my life. The revelation trumps all the negative feelings that I have. For the nightmare that Anchor Studios has put us through, we’ve still come out on top.

And I suppose I ought to be grateful to them for that… and I will be one day.



One Year Later


Gabe sprints into the breakfast nook, his face ashen as he comes to a stop in front of me. I point at the computer, babbling incoherently as my lover rushes toward me, staring blankly at the email and then back at me, confusion written all over his expression.

“What the hell, Stella?” he chokes, realizing that I’m not in mortal danger. “I thought the condo was being robbed! What is this?”

Forrest joins us a second later, his expression also concerned as he hurries toward me. “What’s going on?”

“I have no idea,” Gabe grumbles, throwing up his hands.

“I got it!” I yell, finally managing to create a sentence through my utter elation. “I got the part!”

Forrest ambles behind me and stares at the email, understanding coloring his face. He sweeps me up in his arms, raining kisses all over my face and neck as I squeal, dancing me around the breakfast nook.

“Is someone going to fill me in or—?” Gabe demands, but his warm eyes shine with a glimmer of understanding.

The front door opens, and Bennet strolls inside, carrying three huge paper bags of takeout food, Chris on his heels.

“Look who I found on the street,” he jokes, nodding at my best friend.

“Chris!” I cry out, rushing toward her. “Chris, I got the part in the new Y Gals movie!”

“Ohhh!” Gabe exclaims, finally understanding my glee as Chris rushes forward to throw her arms around me.

Bennet smiles happily, dropping the Thai food on the kitchen island.

“Of course you did,” he says in his typically supportive way. “You’ll make a great superhero.”

I release Chris as my phone begins to ring on the charger, and I snatch it up, knowing it’s my agent without looking.

“Veronica?” I answer excitedly.

“Hey, movie star,” Veronica purrs in my ear. I can’t help but notice that she speaks to me in a much more placating tone now than she did a year ago. “I see you got my email?”

“I did! When do I sign the contract? When does filming start? Where are we filming?”

“Woah, hang on,” Veronica chuckles. “There’s the Y Gals, which is a great opportunity, but you have some other offers, too. Let’s talk about what is the best move for your career.”

I blush with pleasure, pursing my lips. “Oh, yeah? Like what?” I ask, trying to sound coy but failing miserably.
