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I sit back up, mouth agape in shock at how he took my very clear and precise concerns.

“No! I –”

But Argoss laughs and shakes his head. “No, it’s fine, I’m messing with you. It’s just funny to me that you would have these sorts of concerns when I’m not even the kind of demon who can do that.”

I blink. “Oh.”

“The kind of demons who can afford to make life-changing contracts with magic involved mostly live in palaces underground, being waited on hand and foot by the pop stars and MVP athletes of the previous generation. Our contract did not involve any magic to come to fruition. Just our mutual understanding and benefit.”

I slowly nod, the dregs of alcohol finally clearing my mind. “Oh. Right,” I say with a quiet laugh. “Wow, I… feel so silly.”

“Whatwereyou afraid of, Felicity?” he asks, running a finger across my red-hot cheek. “I’d very much like to put your mind at ease.”

I swallow again, feeling something sparking inside me at his gentle touch.

“I was… concerned that, as your wife, you might have certain…expectations.” I’m not sure how else to say it. Worse, I’m not sure the ideas playing out in my mind right now are even a concern anymore.

“What sort of expectations?” Argoss asks, daring me to say it out loud. His eyes are half-lidded, dark, and reflecting the flames raging across the room.

“That you would expect me to… have sex,” I finally say.

Argoss smirks in response. “Felicity, I have never wanted to force or trick a woman into my bed. This marriage is about comfort and social status, and we already have a child I am more than proud to call my own. If we ever go that far, it will be because you expressly wished it to be so.”

Wish. What an interesting choice of words to use after the conversation we just had. But still, his words do deflate the tension I was holding inside. I exhale harshly and laugh out the air in my lungs.

“That’s… that’s very good to hear, Argoss. Thank you.” I sit back up with my hands in my lap. I feel… silly. It’s unfortunate but it’s true, I was conflating a very normal legal contract for marriage with the stuff of nightmares people exaggerate in movies and podcasts. Of course, Argoss wouldn’t try to force me into sex.

My face flushes in embarrassment. He said it was okay, but I feel like I really insulted him. Argoss must be able to sense my shame because he takes my chin in his hand and turns my head to face him again.

“Felicity, I’m glad you asked. I don’t want you to feel anything but joy and comfort in this home. If anything is bothering you, please feel free to tell me. Open door policy,” he says with a wink.

As if on instinct, I move my chin down and take his thumb between my lips. Argoss’ eyes go slightly wide, barely perceptible, but I notice.

“How open?” I ask, sliding my tongue across his thumb. I feel Argoss shiver. He leans closer to me. His cologne is almostoverpowering, filling my head with the soothing scents of orange peel and cinnamon.

“We can be as open as you desire.”

What I desire? It’s something so strange to consider, to really think about what I want instead of sacrificing for the good of everyone around me. What do I want?

What do I want?

I release his thumb from my mouth and inch closer to Argoss until our noses are just barely touching. His eyes are like a cloudy day, blue and gray and drawing me into his promise of warmth.

Argoss brushes his knuckles under my chin, trails his fingertips up my jawline, and settles in my hair.

“What do you want, Felicity?”

I take Argoss by the shoulders and draw him closer, taking his lips for my own and refusing to look back.



Felicity's lips are warm and soft on mine. Our lips touch, and she’s all mine for the moment. I cradle a hand behind her head and slip the other around her waist. My tongue explores her mouth. She releases a quiet moan that I breathe in. It tastes like champagne and sweet cream.

The way this is playing out surprises me, but it also makes me… happy. I like this.

I want her.
