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Only then will she become part of the Bratva.

And only then will she discover the truth.



“You need to learn how to drive before we do anything too wild,” Pasha says, getting up from a black leather couch in the south-east lounge. He grunts as he stands up like an old man, but I feel the same. Lunch was incredible, but we’re both so stuffed from the chef’s ham and biscuits that we had to lie down and take a nap afterward.

I’ve only just woken up, blinking in the orange light from the window. The sun is setting quickly, and it’ll soon be dark out, but I don’t think Pasha actually slept. He seems to be stressed all of a sudden, but I’m not sure why.

“I already know how to drive,” I say, though I know he’s talking about a manual transmission. I think he likes it when I give him a tough time. The banter keeps him on his toes.

He doesn’t seem to appreciate it this time, though, giving me a flat look like he’s thoroughly done with my shit.

More of this moodiness from him. It’s peculiar, but I don’t feel comfortable asking about it.

“You’re going to teach me how to drive manual. I hope I do okay,” I say, trying to break the tension.

He shrugs. “I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

“You’re sure, butI’mnot,” I reply with a laugh, peeling myself off the couch and tucking a sprig of loose hair behind my ear.

“It’s not that difficult. Most people struggle with stalling out at stop lights, but we’ll be on the open road. Smooth sailing.” He gestures with his hand.

“Just don’t jump it on me all at once,” I say. “One thing at a time until I’m comfortable.”

“You’re in capable hands, Valerie. I can promise you that,” he says as he stretches. “Come, let’s get going. I had a couple of roads blocked off, but only for a few hours.”

I follow him out of the lounge, walking on my toes as I try to catch up. “You really blocked off streets?”

“Highways, darling. We’re going fast tonight,” he says, finally permitting a smile to cross his face as he looks at me.

My stomach drops. “Not too fast, I hope.”

“Why not? Fast cars are meant to be driven at high speeds.”

I don’t want to tell him the real reason why I’m afraid to drive at high speeds. I don’t want to relive the memories of the crash that took Julia’s life and nearly ended mine with it.

At least I’m sober this time. I can thank Pasha for forcing me to stop doing coke, though I can’t say I don’t still crave it. Gettingthrough tonight without anything to lift my spirits is going to be difficult.

“I’ll go up and grab the bags. Put some sneakers on.”

“With a dress?”

“Are you afraid the fashion police are going to pull us over?”

I shoot him a dirty look, but I’m just glad his bitter mood is lifting. Maybe he just needed sleep. He doesn’t seem to get very much. Maybe his nightmares scare him just as much as mine scare me.

Pasha jogs down the hallway, leaving me at the door with a rather grumpy looking guard. He has his rifle pressed to his chest like a soldier, staring seriously at the wall opposite him as though there’s something horrible painted there.

I follow his gaze, but there’s nothing to see. Why are Bratva men so angry all the time? It seems like a rough way to live.

I put my sneakers on, trying to ignore the man’s scowl. Pasha acts like he doesn’t even see these guys, but it bothers me to have so many large men frowning around me all the time. That’s going to have to change if I’m staying here longer than one night.

And since I haven’t even started looking for another place, I probably am. Pasha will be pleased, but I do feel like he’s rushing into this. It’s one thing to spend a bunch of money on a woman if you have more than enough already, but it’s another thing entirely to start living with a woman you’ve only just started dating.

And that’s what we’re doing, I assume. I never asked Pasha if I was his girlfriend. Maybe we should get that cleared up before going any further.

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