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“It’s that time of the year, perhaps,” she replies with a little giggle.

I want to jump through the phone and strangle her, honestly. This isn’t something to laugh about. Something weird is going on and I’m honestly starting to feel paranoid because of it.

“So, you guys don’t haveanything?”

“No… I’m sorry,” she replies in a singsong voice.

“So, you can’t tell me anyone who does have it in stock?”

“No… I’m sorry,” she repeats in the same way.

I hang up the phone and slam it down on top of the dresser. I want to throw it out the window, but I know I’d regret it. It’s a long way down, and I’ve already broken two phones this year from throwing them.

Maybe I have a problem.

And maybe I don’t really care.

I sigh, focusing back on my clothes. My dresser doesn’t have anything I feel good wearingandprovides ample coverage, so I prioritize the former. The last thing I want to do is walk in dressed like a grandma in front of Lindsay. She’d be smirking at me with those stupid fake lips for the rest of the day.

Nope. I choose a black leather skirt with little silver studs down one side, and pair it with a black band t-shirt. Simple. Cute. A little edgy. I have an attitude, so sue me.

I slather my face in a basic gel moisturizer before leaving my apartment for work. I don’t need to do my makeup because there’s a man with bright blue eyes and a jawline that could kill waiting to do it for me.

More perks of being a model. I don’t have to do my own makeup most of the time.

My door locks on its own as I hurry down the hallway with my purse slung over my chest. I jog to the elevator, punching in the button for the ground floor and tapping my nails on the stainless-steel panel beside the door as I descend.

like to pretend I’m impatient while riding the elevator, but this one is so fast that it’s scary sometimes. I reach the ground floor in a few seconds.


I’m on the ground floor, rushing down the hallway as I tie up my hair. Nothing too fancy because I’ll have to redo it for the photoshoot, anyway.

I check my phone again as I step outside. The glare of the sun against the dim low-battery screen makes it hard to see. I pull it up to my face, but I’m immediately distracted by what’s in front of me.

A tall man in a suit, leaning on my cream-colored sports car like he owns it. I doubt he’d even fit inside, but that’s the least of my concerns. What’s most alarming is the fact that I recognize him from the party last night.

And he’s staring right at me with those vicious green eyes.



I’m lost for words. How did he find me, and why is he here?

This can’t be happening!

I pull my keys out of my purse, hoping that the little kitty-shaped brass knuckles on my keychain will make him rethink his creepy behavior.

Too little, too late, I’m afraid. He’s not even looking at them. In fact, his eyes are no longer staring into mine. They’re glued to my thighs, right at the hem of my skirt, like he knows I’m not wearing anything underneath it.

“In a hurry?” he asks, grinning at me in a way that tells me that he knows he’s being a total creep. He slides his hand over the hood of my car, caressing it in a way that makes me sick to my stomach.

“What do you want?” I ask, wrinkling my nose in disgust.

“Well, I asked for your phone number last night, if you remember.”

I do remember, but there was a reason I left without giving it to him. My gut feeling turned out to be right. This guy is a stalker, and probably dangerous.

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