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“I’m your brother,” he groans, his eyes turning up in his head.

For a split second, I doubt what I’m doing. He’s already down, and Valerie is safe. I don’t have to kill him.

But when I look at his face, I don’t see my brother anymore. I don’t know who he is anymore, but he’s not the Anatoly I knew when I was younger. He’s changed in way I never thought he would, and it’s time to put this monstrosity he’s become to rest.

Anatoly died a long time ago.

I pull back my fist, swinging it hard into his face again. His body jerks from the impact, but he no longer has the conscious ability to defend himself. His arms fall to his sides as I beat him face until it’s flat and soft.

My knuckles are covered in blood, and I’m breathing so hard that my chest hurts. I feel Valerie’s hands on my back, but it’s like she’s touching me from far away.

I don’t feel like I’m in my body anymore.

I don’t feel real.

“Pasha.” Her voice sounds like it’s in another room.

“Pasha, I found it.”

I look over my shoulder to see her digging her necklace out of Anatoly’s pocket. The emerald shines like victory in the light, but it’s nothing compared to the glow of Valerie’s smile as she puts it on and cups the pendant in her hand.

I climb off of Anatoly, knowing that he’s dead. I smell urine and fecal release from death, and I just want to leave. I can’t look at him. I need to get out of here before I empty the contents of my stomach all over the bloody floor.

Valerie notices my sudden illness, and grabs me before I fall flat on my face. “Pasha, let’s get you out of here.”

I swallow hard, stars dancing across my vision as I break out in a cold sweat. I stumble out of the bathroom with Valerie, collapsing onto the carpet as soon as I cross through the doorway.

I hear Valerie crying for help, but it’s distant again.

So very far away.

I close my eyes, feeling warmth flood through me, and darkness moves over me like a blanket. The urge to remain this way is immense, but I’m able to fight it when I hear Boris’s voice in the room.

“Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened in here?”

I open my eyes, looking up to see Boris standing in the room with us. Valerie is sobbing, but I don’t understand why. We did it. We defeated Anatoly.

“Help him! He won’t get up,” she cries to Boris as he rushes over to me.

“Pasha. Are you hurt? Have you been hit?” he asks, his voice hoarse with concern. I’ve never heard him this scared.

Why is everyone so worried about me?

I don’t understand.

Stars dance across my vision again, and I lift my hand to wave them away.

Annoying. I wish that would stop.

It’s not normal, is it?

“Pasha, you’re freaking me out. Answer me,” Boris says, shaking my shoulder.

My consciousness, which had previously been floating above me, moves back into my body. I suck in air, lifting my head up and blinking a few times to regain composure. Suddenly, I remember where I am, and more importantly,whoI am.

“Fuck, we need to get out of here,” I say, climbing to my feet.

Boris looks me over, searching for bullet holes, but I know I’m fine. I just got a little winded. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s also not often that I have to beat my brother to death after storming his mansion.
