Page 56 of The Con Artist

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Usually, I’d have a witty comeback for him, but today, I was serious. To be honest, I think he was disappointed. I was making headway with him and I started to believe he enjoyed my company.

“I need to go to Rikers Island to visit my father today.”

“Oh. Okay. When are visiting hours?”

“Soon,” I replied.

“Then we better head out now. There’s going to be a lot of traffic.”

We walked down the steps together and he opened the car door for me. He was definitely making progress.

“Can you do me a favor, Edmond?”

“It depends.” He looked at me through the rearview mirror.

“Please don’t tell Gabriel that I went there today. I need it to stay between the two of us,” I spoke with a sadness in my voice.

“Sure. I won’t tell him.”

When we arrived at the prison, I signed in, got searched, and then took a seat at an empty table while I waited for them to bring my father in.

“There’s my baby girl.” He smiled as I stood up and we briefly hugged.

“Hi, Daddy.”

“How are you? I haven’t seen you in a month, Kate. I was starting to get worried.”

“I’m sorry. Things have been so crazy. I have some wonderful news. I moved to New York.”

“What?” He cocked his head. “What about your job and school in Chicago?”

“I got transferred here. The restaurant I work for opened up a location in Manhattan and I asked if I could transfer to be closer to you.”

“That’s wonderful. But what about school?”

“I stopped going. It was taking me forever since I could only take a class here and there. But don’t worry, I have a great job and it pays good. Especially the tips.”

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked with concern.

“I’m fine. I have this great apartment in a nice neighborhood and I’ve already made some friends. The best part is, I can come visit you every week.” I brightly smiled to mask the pain inside me.

“What about that guy you were seeing in Chicago? What was his name? Tom, I believe?”

“I ended that a while ago. Things just weren’t working out.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, sweetheart.”

“Don’t be, Daddy. It was for the best. Right now, I’m just focusing on me and my career in the restaurant business. I’m learning everything I can because, one day, I would like to open up my own restaurant.” I smiled.

“I’m so proud of you.” He grinned. “I worry about you, baby. I worry about how growing up the way you did would affect you. The last thing I wanted to do was screw you up.”

“You didn’t. I’m good and I’m happy to be closer to you.”

“New York is a dangerous city. You need to be on guard at all times.”

“Chicago wasn’t any safer.” I let out a light laugh.

We talked for a while and then our time was up. The goodbye was always the hardest part.
