Page 102 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“We should get something.” Matt grinned down at her and nudged her toward the booth. “Something to remind you of home.”

“I have plenty of things already.” But she couldn’t resist stepping into the booth and looking around.

From corn shaped candles to a pillow with a shy-looking cob of corn declaring ‘Aw Shucks’, to signs stating ‘Corn Farmer Parking Only’, there was more corn themed memorabilia than she could ever remember seeing in her life.

As she wandered, tears filled her eyes as the ache for her hometown replaced the laughter in her chest. She sniffed them back as quietly as she could, but her Daddy seemed to have super hearing, especially when it came to her.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Wrapping his arms around her from behind, Matt pulled her back against his chest and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“I don’t know,” she managed with a watery laugh. “I was just looking at all this stupid corn and thinking how much I miss my parents. I’m just being silly.”

“Babygirl.” His tone gentle and coaxing, he turned her around to face him, cupping her face in his hands and brushing away her tears with the pads of his thumb. “It’s not silly. I would miss Lost River like crazy if we ever left.”

“I know, it’s just silly to get all sentimental over corn.”

“No, it’s not. Sometimes things just trigger those emotions. It doesn’t make you silly.”

“I guess.”

“Hey.” Though his tone was somewhat stern, his expression was filled with amusement and understanding. “Has your Daddy ever lied to you?”

Despite the heartache and embarrassment, a smile tugged at her lips. “No.”

“Then it stands to reason I’m telling the truth now, doesn’t it?”


“Right.” Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to her forehead, and like magic the yucky feelings seemed to disappear. At least mostly. The homesickness still lingered a bit, but at least it wasn’t enough to make her all teary-eyed.

“Do you think maybe we could fly out there soon for a few days? I know you’re super busy and everything, but I could pay for the tickets since you won’t let me pay rent and?—”

“First of all, we are not having the rent conversation again, little girl.” Matt’s voice changed to what she thought of as his “Daddy voice”. “I know it makes me old-fashioned, but I like providing for you, even though I know you’re damn well capable of providing for yourself. And you contribute in plenty of ways without paying me rent. The next time you bring it up, you’re going to find yourself in a corner with a bar of soap in your mouth. Understood?”

She didn’t even bother to sigh. It was an argument they’d had plenty of times since she’d moved in, and every time she lost. If she was being honest with herself, she kind of liked having him take care of her, so she wasn’t even sure why she kept bringing it up. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” Some of the sternness faded from his expression as he swiped away more of her tears. “Second of all, we’re going to Nebraska for a week at Easter. I’ve already booked the tickets and worked everything out with your parents.”

“What?” Shock, joy, and what felt like a million other emotions she couldn’t quite place bubbled up inside her. “When did you plan that?”

“About the same time I planned this trip. It all sort of ties in together.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You will in a bit.” Moving his hands to her shoulders, he turned her back around. “In the meantime, why don’t you pick out something to remind you of home.”

“There is no way in hell you knew this booth was here,” she said with a sniffle as she looked around.

“I didn’t. This part was just a happy coincidence.”

Glancing over her shoulder, she narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you up to, Matt Crawford?”

His easy smile didn’t fool her for a second. “Just giving my babygirl a nice weekend away.”

“Uh huh.” But before she could press him harder—not that it would have done her any good—her gaze landed on the most perfect thing she’d ever seen in her entire life. With a squeal of delight, she squeezed her way around the bulky furniture in the booth to her prize. “This! This is what I want!”

Matt’s expression turned decidedly dubious as he took in the plastic goose, dressed head to toe in a giant corn-on-the-cob costume. “You’re sure? They have lots of other cute things.”

“I’m sure. I want this. Please, Daddy?”

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