Page 112 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“Touching yourself without permission was very, very naughty,” he said, “and you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Tell me, little human, to whom does your pleasure belong?”

A whimper left her, and she clasped her hands tightly in her lap as her apprehension grew. “My pleasure belongs to you, Master.” That was the rule. It had always been the rule, one he’d made clear to her during their first days as husband and wife.

His eyes flashed. “That’s correct. You know better than to touch yourself without permission, and you will be punished for your naughtiness.” He paused for a long moment, and she fidgeted in her seat as his stern gaze bored into her. “I appreciate your honesty in the matter, however,” he continued, “and I also understand that the last two moon cycles have been difficult for you, just as the time away from you has been difficult for me. Therefore, I will not whip you as severely as I normally would for such an infraction.”

I will not whip you as severely as I normally would for such an infraction.It took a few seconds for his words to penetrate her consciousness, but once they did, cautiousrelief filled her, and she found herself blinking back tears. She was still nervous about the impending punishment, incredibly so, but she took comfort in the fact that he’d promised leniency.

Perhaps he would only give her a few blows with the leather strap, just enough to remind her that he was her husband and his reign over her was absolute.

“Thank you, Master,” she eventually replied in a shaky voice. “Thank you. I am grateful for your understanding, and I promise I won’t forget the strap. Is there anything else I should pack?”

“Yes. There are two more items of importance that you mustn’t forget.” He leaned back in his chair and pinned her with a dark, feral look. “A butt plug and a bottle of lubrication.”



The twin moons loomed high in the star-encrusted sky, a welcome sight for Zylonn after two months off-planet. He waited outside the lavish hotel that overlooked the capital city of Ashorr, anticipation spiraling through him. Each time he heard the hum of a hover transport over the steady buzz of nighttime insects, he eagerly peered down the road. He’d arrived only moments ago and hadn’t even gone upstairs to the suite yet, though a worker had already carried up his belongings, and he’d also arranged for dinner to be delivered soon.

He suppressed a growl. Where was Nova? Her sister’s mate, Varro, had promised to bring her at the appointed hour and…

The hum of another hover transport reached him, and joy filled him when he saw a flash of golden hair in the passenger window of the conveyance that stopped in front of the hotel.

He rushed to the passenger side of the transport, opened the door, and helped the pretty human female out. Nova. His precious mate.

Gods, how he’d missed her.

Affection warmed him all over as their eyes collided. He cupped her face and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, savoring the taste of her as well as her familiar sweet scent. He vowed that for as long as he lived, he would never spend another day apart from her.

“Master.” She peered at him with a tiny smile. Her face was flushed, and her blue eyes gleamed with excitement. He marveled at her beauty.

“Little human.” He gathered her close to his chest, hugging her tight as he caressed a hand through her silken hair. The experience of holding her after so long apart… it was everything.

The sound of a throat being cleared reminded Zylonn they weren’t alone, and he slowly, very reluctantly, pulled away from Nova and then wrapped his arm around her. He glanced at Varro, who’d just stepped out of the hover transport, and they exchanged a polite nod.

“Sorry we were a minute or so late,” Nova said. “We had to pause to allow a herd ofeukkasto cross the road.”

“Yes,” Varro said, “I counted over twenty of the furry creatures. I’ve never seen such a large herd this close to the city.”

“Twentyeukkas?” Zylonn asked in disbelief. “You’ll have to show me where the herd crossed. Perhaps tomorrow we can take the children on a walk in the forest to glimpse the sight.”

“I don’t think that would be a good idea, Master,” Nova said with a laugh. “Cammz, Mazzron, and even Lilly would try to lure them home. Several days ago, I caught them feedingxershinasin the backyard.Xershinas! How they didn’t get bitten, I’ll never know.”

Zylonn smiled and pressed a kiss to Nova’s cheek. It was good to be home, back on Tarrkua with the solid ground beneath his feet and his lovely human mate at his side. Tomorrow, they would return home together, and he would be reunited with his offspring. He couldn’t wait.

Varro walked behind the transport, opened the trunk, and pulled out a suitcase. Zylonn stepped away from Nova just long enough to accept the luggage.

“Thank you again for escorting Nova to the hotel,” Zylonn said, “and for staying at our abode to watch the children with Julie.” It was still strange to him that he’d become such good friends with Varro, who was a wealthy member of the ruling class, but he found the male to be trustworthy and affable.

“It’s our pleasure. Julie and I adore all our nieces and nephews,” Varro replied with a wistful look. While he and Julie couldn’t have children together, they were both very involved in the upbringing of their many nieces and nephews. Varro had several siblings, all of whom were married and had numerous offspring.

After they exchanged a quick farewell with Varro, Zylonn guided his little human bride into the lavish hotel. Nova gazed upward at the domed ceiling and the multiple chandeliers with wide eyes.

“Come, my sweet mate.” He led her toward a wide staircase that had glowingverunnavines twisting along the rails. “I’ve ordered dinner for us, and the meal should arrive at our suite soon.”

“Dinner?” She glanced at him with an adorably nervous expression.

“Yes, little human. Dinner first. Punishment and ravishment… later.” They paused on a landing, and he turned her toward the splendor of the hotel’s lobby, which was a mix of architectural wonder and lush greenery.

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