Page 113 of Sip Of Pleasure

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Flowering trees grew in between polished white stone walking paths, and most of the walls were covered in the same glowing vines that decorated the staircase. Richly dressed members of the ruling class flitted about the area, most of them heading to and from the large dining room on the other end of the massive structure.

For a brief moment, Zylonn felt out of place. But he quickly reminded himself that he'd garnered the favor of the ruling class with his contributions to the development and maintenance of the planetary shield. And during the last few years, he’d become one of the highest paid regular citizens on Tarrkua. He could afford to take his mate to places normally frequented by the ruling class, and he had every right to be here. So did his lovely bride.

As he turned to study his wife’s beautiful features, he imagined buying dozens of sparkling gem-encrusted necklaces and ordering her to try them on one at a time. In the nude. His cock thickened in his pants and his balls drew up tight. Not caring if anyone was watching, he leaned down and dragged his nose along the softness of her slender neck, taking a deep inhale as he once again savored her scent.

She shivered and met his eyes. He drew her closer and a lusty growl escaped his throat.Fluxx. He was ravenous for her. His male appendage thickened further.

“I cannot wait to be scrotum-deep inside your slick center, Nova,” he whispered. “After two months of neglect, I suspect your pussy will feel especially tight around my cock.” All the blood in his body rushed south as he recalled how tight she’d been as a virgin bride. He’d thoroughly enjoyed claiming her innocence.

A tiny whimper emanated from Nova, and her breathing became irregular. Her cheeks turned pink, and she cast a wary glance around, as though worried someone might overhear their conversation. “I was actually just thinking about that,” she admitted. “It’s been quite a while since we’ve been intimate, Master, and you are so much bigger than me.”

He turned her in his arms and peered down at her. The light from the chandeliers bathed her in a warm glow, illuminating each individual strand of her golden hair. Radiant, he thought. She looked radiant.

When her expression grew more nervous, a thrill rushed through him, and he gathered her closer and pressed himself to her stomach, allowing her to feel the hardness of his fully erect shaft. Her eyes widened further, and she gasped.

“You’ll take it, little human.” He tangled his fingers in her golden locks and gave a slight tug, forcing her head back. “You’ll be an obedient wife, bend over the bed, and offer your slick pussy for my use.”

Her breath caught in her throat. “Yes, Master.”



As Zylonn guided her to the top floor of the hotel, Nova was too nervous to speak. Her heart wouldn’t cease its erratic pounding, and her hands trembled at her sides as he led her toward a huge, ornately carved wooden door at the end of a wide hallway. Indeed, she felt like a blushing virgin all over again.

She recalled how anxious she’d been when she first met Zylonn six years ago. Randomly selected at the age of five to become a Tarrkuan bride, she’d grown up receiving medical treatments to alter her DNA enough to enable her to conceive children with a Tarrkuan male. Then, at the age of twenty, she’d traveled to planet Tarrkua to marry a stranger.

It was all part of the trade agreement between humankind and the Tarrkuans.

Each year, humankind provided three hundred and fifty-two women to the Tarrkuans, one fertile, DNA-altered female from each dome-city on Earth. In return, the Tarrkuans provided humankind with fuel for the TEC600 reactors that powered the dome-cities on Earth. Zylonn, like all Tarrkuan males who’d been given a human female, had spent years in the Feshinga Asteroid Belt mining the material used by the TEC600 reactors.

“What are you thinking about, little human?” Zylonn asked as he opened the door and ushered her inside the large, lavish suite. Just like the lobby of the hotel, the walls were covered in glowing vines.

In the entryway, she turned to face her husband, her loving master, and her heart skipped a beat when their eyes met. She smiled. “Oh, I was just thinking about the night we met outside the marriage venue in Ashorr. I was so nervous to meet you. And then… well, the circumstances of our meeting didn’t quite go as planned, which only made things worse.” She laughed.

“Ah, yes,” he replied with a wry grin as he closed the door behind him. “I seem to remember encountering a naughty human female who was speaking out against the Tarrkua-Earth trade agreement.”

“And I seem to remember encountering a high-handed Tarrkuan male who rudely scolded me just for having an opinion.” Though she’d been terrified at the time, she smiled at the memory. Everything had worked out in the end. He’d taken her home and punished her, as speaking out against the trade agreement was strictly forbidden, then claimed her as his mate. Eventually, they’d fallen in love, and she couldn’t fathom being mated to another male.

Zylonn’s gaze darkened, and she knew what he was thinking. “I seem to remember giving a blushing young virgin a sound spanking on her bare bottom, followed by a few lashes of the strap.”

At the mention of the strap, she backed away and reached around to cover her backside. He set her suitcase down and followed her, caging her against the wall. Her pulse skittered and her mouth went dry. He planned to use the strap on her tonight. She hoped he was truly lenient with her, just as he’d promised.

His nostrils flared and he took a deep inhale. “I can smell the slickness gathering between your thighs, little human. You’re nervous about your punishment, yet you cannot help but grow achy with need.”

She whimpered and started to shake her head, but he grasped her chin between his fingers, preventing her movement. He leaned down, and she closed her eyes and parted her lips in anticipation of his kiss. But there was a sudden knock on the door, and he gave a frustrated growl and pulled away from her with obvious reluctance.

“Dinner first. Punishment and ravishment later,” he reminded her.

She sighed and wondered how she would manage a bite when she was so anxious for her punishment to be over. She didn’t like when he made her wait for it, even for a couple of minutes, and the anticipation was almost too much.

A uniformed worker quickly brought in trays of scrumptious-smelling food, placed them on a table, and departed the room. Zylonn helped her into a chair, and they sat across from one another, enjoying the huge spread. Well, Zylonn appeared to be enjoying it. It was all Nova could do to force a few bites down. She supposed it was delicious, but her thoughts remained on the evening to come.

Punishment and ravishment.

She shifted in her seat and blushed when her husband gave her a knowing look. For the briefest moment, she considered tossing her eating utensil at his smug face. She narrowed her eyes at him, flounced her hair over one shoulder, and took a long sip of wine, much to his amusement. He waggled his eyebrows at her, seeming to take delight in her suffering.

Once they finished dinner, he grabbed her suitcase and guided her to the main bedroom. Her stomach flipped when she considered why he needed the suitcase. The strap. As ordered, she’d packed the strap, as well as a butt plug and lubrication. Her nerves increased. She hadn’t taken a plug, or his cock, which was much larger than the plug, in her ass in over two months. She prayed he was gentle.
