Page 121 of Sip Of Pleasure

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Allie Belle



“1…2…3…” Chastity whispered, and all of us took off to find our hiding spots. It was late at night and we were all supposed to be sleeping, but where was the fun in that? It was Nanny J’s weekly night off and the Rawhide Ranch Littles liked to take full advantage of that. So after Nanny J had done her final rounds for the night and warned us to be on our best behavior, we’d all agreed on the rules before promptly sneaking out of our beds and congregating in Chastity’s dorm room for a Ranch-wide game of hide and seek. There were only two rules: no going outside, and no hiding in the guest rooms. Other than that, everywhere else was fair game. Because when were we ever on our best behavior, other than right after a spanking or corner time… sometimes?

We were on the third level of the Littles’ wing, and I really didn’t know the Ranch as well as the Littles who lived there, so I followed Britt, Callie, Blake, Mary, Lila, Billy, and a few other Littles whose names I didn’t know as they used their thumbprint to open the security door and sneak out. Excitement and trepidation coursed through me as my heart pounded in my chest.

Ooh, this was gonna be fun!

Once cleared through the door, everyone sort of scattered in every direction. I ran down one flight of steps, careful not to slip in my kitty slippers, and then headed down to the second level hall. Even though there were likely more hiding spots on the main level, I wasn’t ballsy enough to hide there, because it was more likely someone would accidentally run into a Top, and that someone was not gonna be me. At least, that was the logic that kept me from following the majority of the crowd. And I certainly wasn’t going to go down to the basement on a Saturday night when the dungeon was in full swing. That was basically just begging to get caught before the game had even really begun.

Bypassing all of the themed ageplay rooms, I headed toward the guest wing, tip-toeing as fast as I could. I wanted to put as much space between me and Chastity as possible because I was determined not to lose this game. Nope, on the contrary, I was going to be the winner. We had all saved our cookies from dinner and the winner got to have them all, and dangit, I wanted them. Heaven made the best cookies on the whole planet and these were decorated for Valentine’s with little hearts and designs painted on them. They were all different and so cute, and I couldn’t wait to spread them all out and appreciate the artwork before devouring each and every one.

The last room before I got to the elevators on the guest wing side of the Ranch was the 101 classroom, which seemed like a really boring place to hide. Being a high school teacher in my everyday life, I spent enough time in classrooms, but when I heard the elevator ding, I panicked. Pushing the door open, I skittered inside. It was dark, but I was able to feel my way around until I ended up in a small back office. It must have been used to give whoever was teaching the class a space to work. I’d never been to a 101 class because I preferred to take my classes in the Littles’ wing when I visited the Ranch. As my eyes were getting adjusted to the dark, I heard a small squeak. Someone was coming! My heart hammered as I ran to take cover under the large wooden desk.

Holding my knees to my chest, I made myself as small as possible and tried to force my heart to stop pounding and my breath to slow. I didn’t want to be found by a Top, but I really, really didn’t want to get found by Chastity. Pulling my binky out of the front pocket of my favorite unicorn pajama onesie, I put it in my mouth and sucked as I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, listening as intently as possible to see if anyone was coming.

Maybe if I stayed quiet and still enough, and closed my eyes super tight, whoever was in the room would leave without discovering me and I could get back to the task at hand. Those cookies weremine; I could almost taste them.

I kept sucking on my binky and imagining the cookies, and it calmed me a lot. After a few moments of complete silence I allowed myself to relax a little bit. I had found a pretty great hiding spot and all I had to do was wait.

How long was I supposed to wait, though?

It was really late and the Ranch was huge. We had no way of knowing who was found and who wasn’t, and for the first time I questioned the logic of this plan. I still wanted to win and wouldn’t move from my spot until I was absolutely sure I was going to, but next time we’d have to figure out a better way to make it work.

It seemed like I’d been hiding forever, and I was getting bored and super tired, but if there was anyone on the planet more stubborn and hard-headed than me, I’d never met them. If I had to sleep on a hard floor under a desk to win a pile of cookies, then that’s exactly what I was going to do. Giving in to my heavy eyelids, I allowed them to close and drifted off to sleep.


I was startled out of sleep when I heard voices outside the office, and as I shook the last bit of sleep from my brain, I noticed they were getting closer. The sunlight streamed through the window, telling me it was way past the time I should have been back in the Littles’ dorm, and if they hadn’t discovered me missing yet, it wouldn’t be long until they did. Without the cover of the dark I felt completely exposed and my stomach danced with nerves as my joints and muscles screamed in agony from sleeping on the floor under a desk all night. It definitely hadn’t been one of my smartest ideas to date.

The door to the office opened and I heard a woman talking. She spoke in commanding tones, and I realized she had to be on the phone when no other voice accompanied hers. Thumps on the wood above my head told me she was setting things down on the table. I backed into the corner and hugged my knees to my chest as I had the night before.

“The price is not going to come down, Jerry. As a matter of fact, if you’d like to continue to argue with me then I can gladly push it in the other direction.” She paused for a second. “I thought you might see it my way. If your clients want premium products then they need to be willing to pay. End of story. Try to manipulate me like that again and I will cut you off completely.”

She sounded annoyed. And bossy. Bossy in a way that made me a little shivery. If anyone ever used that tone with me… Well, I’d probably sass them, then hope they’d turn me over their knee and redden my bottom.

Wait. Did I actually just wish for someone to redden my bottom?

Her phone clattered against the desk and she sighed before rounding it and sitting in the chair. It was a small desk, and there was no way her long legs would fit under it without bumping into me.

“Umm… hi.” I kinda poked my head out, and the woman gasped and jumped backward. The coffee in her hand went flying and landed all over the front of her.

“Oh no! I’m so sorry, I… I didn’t mean to scare you!” I scrambled out from under the desk and looked around for something to help clean up the mess.

Apparently unperturbed that her pristine white business shirt was now splattered with coffee, she set the cup down and put her hands on her hips. Her golden eyes sparkled, and it was impossible not to notice her generous breasts straining against the buttons of her damp, coffee-spattered shirt.

Suddenly I remembered wishing for a spanking. Maybe a spanking from her wouldn’t be so bad?

“What are you doing hiding under that desk, little girl?”

My tummy tightened, and the look in the much taller woman’s eyes let me know without a doubt that I was completely busted.

Swallowing hard, I tried to find some believable explanation, but she was so, so pretty, and I knew I was in trouble, so I stuttered. “I was… ummm… looking for something, but it’s not here, so I better go.” I turned to flee.

“Stop right there, young lady,” she snapped, beautiful and intimidating.
