Page 137 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“Be a good girl for Daddy,” she coaxed. “Remember that you were naughty and that’s why you’re being punished.”

I couldn’t respond and obey at the same time so I attempted to focus all of my mind on Mommy’s nipple, and the milk that coated my mouth and tongue and filled my belly. It worked until Daddy began to play with the plug that was still lodged deeply inside of me. I sucked harder, reveling in Mommy’s moans as Daddy slowly pulled the plug out.

“Good girl, baby. That feels so good,” Mommy praised.

Finally the plug was out, and I relaxed for a moment before Mommy pulled me up higher and positioned my knees on either side of her so I was straddling her, and completely opened to whatever Daddy had planned.

“Lift up a little bit, baby. Offer your naughty hole to Daddy’s big cock,” she instructed.

I squeezed my eyes shut and scooted up higher on my knees, hoping the sooner I obeyed, the sooner this would all be over. Mommy’s breast was no longer giving the milk I suddenly needed more than my next breath, so I let go and switched sides, hoping to get that bit of comfort back. It took a second, but soon the milk was flowing again. Mommy moaned and arched her back.

“Good girl,” Daddy praised as he positioned himself behind me. His hands gripped my ass and spread my cheeks wide open. My pussy flooded as Daddy rubbed his cock through my slit before pressing at my back entrance. I couldn’t help but tense as I moaned.

“Relax and push back, little one,” he instructed. “It will make this a whole lot easier for you.”

I did my best to focus and obey, forcing my muscles to relax. Daddy increased the pressure as I felt hands slide between my body and Mommy’s. Her nails scraped gently against my belly as she made her way to my breasts. Zeroing in on my sensitive nipples, she began to pinch and tweak them, sending shivers through my body. I moaned and sucked harder as Mommy playing with my nipples made my pussy get wet all over again, made me need to be allowed to come so badly, I could barely stand it. Then I felt the pressure in my bottom as Daddy began to steadily push into me. My moan turned into a groan of pain, and I fought hard not to clench my teeth. I did not want to think what would happen to me if I accidentally bit Mommy’s nipple.

Reluctantly, I stopped sucking and laid my head on her chest. She continued to play with my nipples as Daddy moved in and out of me, feeding his cock into my ass a little bit at a time. It hurt, but Mommy knew just what to do to make me feel shocks of pleasure, too, that went deep into my core, allowing my body to handle the pain. Part of me wished he would just push all the way through, like ripping off a Band-aid, but I was not in control, not one bit, and all I could do was take it.

Daddy pressed deeper and I reared up. “Owwww, Daddy! It huuuurts.”

Mommy reached up and put her hand around the back of my neck, gently pulling me back down to her chest.

“It’s supposed to hurt. It’s punishment. Little girls that are naughty get Daddy’s cock in their ass.”

I whimpered as I finally felt him push all the way inside, his thighs pressed to the backs of mine. The feeling of fullness was something I’d never experienced and I felt a bit of pride at the fact that I’d managed to take all of him. In the same breath, I didn’t know how much more of all of this I could take before I self-combusted.



“I’m all the way in, baby girl. You’re doing so good,” he praised.

I wanted to brat and argue that I had no choice, but I didn’t figure it was the right time or place, so I fought back the sass and stayed quiet save for my pathetic little whimpers.

“Mommy, why don’t you scoot up and let our girl make her penance to you for ruining your shirt this morning while I fuck her ass?”

I lifted my head, my eyes wide. I knew what Daddy wanted me to do and everything in me wanted to do it, but I’d never done it before, ever. Well, I hadn’t done most of the things I’d engaged in that evening, but the experiences just kept coming.

Mommy pushed my hair behind my ears and pulled my lips to hers. Softly, she kissed me, coaxing my mouth open with her tongue. It was a slow and sensual kiss, just like Daddy’s had been, but her mouth was softer. So much softer than a man’s, and it felt so good, so different. It didn’t last nearly as long as I would have liked, but it did calm my racing thoughts for just a second. Mommy broke the kiss and kissed the tip of my nose before scooting all the way to the head of the bed. The reality of what I had been instructed to do fully set in when I was inches away from Mommy’s perfectly manicured mound. Apparently, Mommies got to keep some hair, but Little girls were not allowed to.

“Just give it a kiss, baby,” Mommy instructed. “You know what feels good when your little kitty gets a kiss, right?”

I nodded and took a deep breath, her musky scent filled my nose and surprisingly enough, my mouth watered with the urge to taste her.

Giving into the urge, I licked her like I would lick my favorite ice cream cone. Her salty sweetness surprised me, but in the best way possible. Knowing what I liked when my pussy was given this particular form of attention, I just went with it. I allowed Mommy’s moans of pleasure to guide me as I learned what she liked and what shereallyliked, licking her soft vulva, then up to her clit She seemed to really, really like that part, so I stayed there, licking and kissing, then I sucked on it, just like I had with her nipples. And doing this to her made me wet all over again, my pussy tingling with need. Mommy’s body was so new and so exciting. It was like mine, yet different. How had I not realized how soft a woman was?

I almost forgot Daddy’s cock was lodged in my ass until he slowly began to pull out. The movement took my breath away, and I stopped what I was doing to Mommy because it was all too much.

“Uh-uh, baby. You have work to do. You need to make Mommy come so she knows you’re really sorry.” Daddy pushed back inside of me, effectively pushing me back toward Mommy’s pussy.

When he pulled back I went with him again. Mommy reached for my head and pressed me back to her.

“You’re doing so good, baby. Just a little longer; I’m almost there. You want to make Mommy feel good, don’t you?”

With my mouth on her all I could do was give a tiny nod.

“Good girl.”
