Page 17 of Sip Of Pleasure

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Kieran’s knowing gaze commanded my rapt attention with his quiet confidence. Piercing blue eyes met mine, and he nodded subtly, acknowledging our presence.

Cormac, seemingly quiet yet radiating protective energy, sat beside Kieran, his gaze scanning the room with watchful eyes. Aidan lounged nearby, nursing a drink, his quiet demeanor making me a little nervous, but there was a sparkle in his gaze that told me there was more to him than met the eye. The twins, Connor and Caden, were a bit more lighthearted than the rest, their laughter ringing out throughout the pub at some shared joke between them. Ada was standing beside them, her signature red lips turning up in a smile as she sipped at a glass of whiskey. Her green eyes appraised me, and I wilted a little bit on the inside, hoping she didn’t see right through me.

I couldn’t let them find out who I was. Putting my best foot forward, I smiled and squeezed Liam’s hand a bit tighter.

“Liam, good to see you,” Kieran greeted, his voice carrying a subtle declaration of power.

“Kieran, this is Kelsey,” Liam introduced, and I offered a polite smile.

Kieran’s assessing gaze lingered on me for a moment before he spoke, “Welcome, Kelsey. Liam has spoken highly of you.”

Cormac inclined his head, a silent acknowledgment of our presence. Aidan raised his glass in a casual salute, a small smirk playing on his lips.

“Hi, Kelsey!” chimed in the twins simultaneously, their playful camaraderie evident in their body language.

“Nice to meet you all,” I replied, my voice betraying a hint of nerves.

Liam pulled out a chair for me, and I sat, acutely aware of the family’s scrutiny. The atmosphere shifted, the pub walls seemingly closing in, but the Murphys exuded a familial unity that both intrigued and unnerved me.

Aidan, breaking the tension first, flashed a wry grin. “So, Liam, why did it take you so long to introduce us to your lovely lady?”

Liam chuckled, his arm casually draped around my shoulders. “Just making sure she could handle your kind of chaos, Aidan.”

Cormac grinned and spoke up. “Chaos is our specialty.”

Connor and Caden exchanged mischievous glances, “I was wondering when he’d share you with us. Liam’s kept you hidden away, hasn’t he? Why? What’s your story…?” Connor teased.

Liam shot the twins a mock glare. “You two behave. She’s not here for an interrogation.”

I smiled politely, my gaze flicking between each one of them.

“You know who we are, don’t you?” Kieran said softly, his blue eyes searching mine.

“I’ve heard a lot,” I replied, maintaining my polite smile. “Liam has filled me in on some family business, but I’m sure there’s more to discover.”

Cormac’s eyes, ever watchful, softened with a hint of curiosity. “And what does Liam say about us, then?”

I met Cormac’s gaze, a glimmer of mystery in my own eyes. “That the Murphys are a force to be reckoned with, but also a family that fiercely protects their own.”

Connor leaned forward, his playful demeanor giving way to a more serious expression. “What else?”

“That you’re a family with a lot of complex layers,” I added carefully, my gaze shifting to Kieran.

Kieran’s piercing gaze held mine, his expression inscrutable. “And what do you make of those layers, Kelsey?”

I swallowed heavily, his eyes never wavering.

“I’d like to hide beneath them, maybe even find a place of my own here with you by Liam’s side,” I said. Liam’s arm tightened around my shoulders in silent reassurance.

Kieran’s eyes, still locked onto mine, betrayed a flicker of something beneath his controlled exterior. “Being with us can be dangerous, Kelsey. It’s not a place for the faint of heart.”

I met Kieran’s challenge with a determined gaze. “I’ve never been one to shy away from danger.”

“Good. That’s what I like to hear,” Kieran grinned and all at once, the tension amongst the group dissipated.

“Welcome to the family, Kelsey,” Ada declared, her face bright. I took a nervous breath and let it out.

I’d done it.
