Page 67 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“Did they put any cream on them?” he asked.

“No. It’s just a few bruises, Daddy. I’m fine, really.”

She tried to roll back over, but he lightly slapped her ass. “Stay where you are.”

Moving into the attached bathroom, he grabbed some arnica cream. Returning, he sat on the bed next to her and gently rubbed the cream onto her bruises.

“This will help, baby.”

“I’m okay, Daddy.”

“Not yet, you aren’t. But you will be. Daddy will see to that.”



Trent got her dressed back into her pajamas. Then he tucked her into bed before going into the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed.

When he walked out, she was hugging Scruffy Dog and watching him closely. He saw the relief on her face as he returned.

He climbed into bed, lying on his back. She immediately crawled on top of him. It was her favorite position to sleep in when she was feeling unsure or scared.

“I wish I’d stayed home like I’d told you I would. I didn’t even text you that I was leaving.”

“That’s true,” he agreed, running his hand over her back. “But you don’t need to be worrying about any of that stuff right now. You’ve been through enough. We’ll talk about all of that later.”

“Talk?” she asked.

“Hmm.” He ran his hand down her back to pat her ass lightly. “Maybe more than talk. We also need a chat about nutrition.”

“I don’t think we need to talk about that, Daddy,” she said hastily.

“I disagree. Now, you need to close your eyes and get some sleep. You’re exhausted.”

She yawned and slumped against him. “I don’t think I can shut my brain off.”

He lightly massaged her back. “Just think about something else. Something nice.”

“Like a vacation?”

“A vacation? Sure. You can think about that.” Did she want to go on a vacation? Why hadn’t he thought to take her away? Fuck. “Where would you go?”

“To the beach. I’ve never been on a vacation to the beach before. It always sounded so much fun. Some of the kids at school would go during summer break and they’d talk about it when they got back. The teacher would always ask who did something fun over the summer, then kids would get up and talk about their break.”

“What did you get up and talk about?”

“Me? Oh no, I never got up.”

Fuck. How had he not taken her to the fucking beach?

“Although I’d probably rather go visit Chardonnay and Effie. I miss them. Chardonnay said she’s going to go on a cruise soon. She’s making some good money stripping at Pinkies.”

“Perhaps we could go see them one day soon.”

She tensed, then she pushed herself up, so she was looking down at him. Her messy, red hair was everywhere, and he brushed it back off her face so he could see her more clearly. Fuck, he hated how drawn and exhausted she looked.

“We could do that?”
