Page 76 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“And if he doesn’t pay?”

Trent’s face hardened. “Then he and Grady will take care of it.”

A shiver went down her spine. Whoa. She wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that. On one hand, Damon Steele was a scary dude. On the other hand, she knew that he and Grady would make sure that asshole paid for what he did if the legal system failed them.

So she decided to push down any misgivings and have a chat with her best friend. That always made her feel better.



“Ireally don’t want a nap, Daddy,” April complained as he picked her up and carried her toward the staircase later on that afternoon.

“You need a nap, baby girl,” he insisted. “You’re tired.”

She was. But she didn’t think she’d be able to sleep. Her mind was too busy.

Trent paused at the bottom of the staircase, staring down at her toys. “I’ve been meaning to ask, why are your toys strewn around the house?”

“They were the first line of defense, Daddy.”

“Defense against what?”

“The bogeyman, ghosts, zombies, robbers . . . all the bad guys who tried to get me while you were away.”

“There was someone trying to get into the house?” he asked, sounding alarmed. He put her on her feet and turned her to face him.

“Um. Well . . . not a real person, Daddy. It was just, well, a bit scary without you here.”

He drew her against him, holding her tight. “Baby, I’m so sorry. Was that why you didn’t sleep well that first night? Because you were scared?”

“Yeah. So I got up to work to try and keep myself busy.”

He drew her back, frowning down at her. “Do you want to explain why you didn’t tell me that when I called the next morning?”

“I didn’t want you to worry about me, Daddy.”

“That is not acceptable, little girl. I consider that lying.”

“But, Daddy! You would have come home.”

“Which is where I needed to be. Before your nap, you’re getting a spanking for not telling Daddy that you needed him.”

“You were on vacation, Daddy. It was important to Ben that you go and I didn’t want to ruin that.”

He led her up the stairs, his hand firm and big around hers. When they reached the bedroom, he turned and cupped her face. “You know that nothing is more important than you.”

He was right. She did know that. And she had messed up by not telling him that she was struggling. But it had been hard to get him to go, and she knew if he found out how hard she found being parted from him was, he’d never likely leave her again.

Then again . . . did she really want him to leave her?

“You’re right, Daddy.”

“Of course I am. I’m always right.” He grinned as she rolled her eyes.

“Now, let’s get this spanking over with so you can get into bed for your nap.” He drew off her skirt and tights. After sitting on the side of the bed, he pulled her over his lap.

Pulling her panties down, he rubbed her ass. “It’s a count of ten. Do you understand why you’re getting a spanking, baby girl?”

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