Page 84 of Sip Of Pleasure

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She was so close to success, but when she glanced up to see one of the owners stalking through the high-end foyer to the club, a determined look in his dark gaze as he locked eyes with her, she knew she’d failed yet again.

Marley tried to swallow her disappointment as she spun around, ready to take off toward the garage before they could detain her. Instead of escaping, she ran smack dab into the hard chest of a man she hadn’t even known was standing behind her.

“Whoa there, little girl. Where do you think you’re running off to so fast?” His deep voice enveloped her even as he wrapped his arms around her, keeping her from toppling over in her high heels.

Nervously glancing over her shoulder, she knew she only had seconds to leave before the owner got to the door. Considering he’d accused her of stalking Stuart the last time she’s tried to sneak in, Marly didn’t want to risk him calling the police on her this time.

“Let me go!” she demanded of the stranger as she tried to flail her arms free.

His grip on her had just loosened when she heard the shout from just a few feet behind her.

“Stop her!”

Strong arms closed in again, immobilizing her. Only the calming scent of the stranger kept her from truly panicking as she mentally prepared for the coming humiliation of another public failure.

“You have a runaway sub, Derek?”

Despite not having even seen his face yet, the deep voice of her captor vibrated through Marley’s body in an unexpected way.

“More like an intruding stalker,” the owner said standing right behind her, sandwiching her between them.

Marley’s pulse spiked as the man’s grip loosened enough for him to pull back and look down at her.

Dark eyes bore into her soul and her breath hitched.

Levity danced in the older man’s brown eyes, highlighting the crinkles around his mouth and eyes that told her he smiled often. The realization calmed her nerves some.

“Boo,” he said breaking into a smile. When she didn’t relax, his smile slipped and he added. “Breathe.”

Until that moment she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding her breath. Sucking in precious air, Marley wriggled, testing his grip and finding herself still detained.

“Better. Now… What do you think I should do with my little stalker.”

“I’m not stalking anyone,” Marly bit back.

“Oh? So why try to sneak in?”

Derek’s hands squeezed her biceps from behind her as he answered incorrectly for her. “She got dumped by her Dom months ago and since then has insisted on trying to sneak in every few weeks, despite our generous invitation to purchase her own single’s membership.”

One of the stranger’s eyebrows rose, challenging her to defend herself. The problem was the reasons for declining to join were just as embarrassing as getting turned away.

She was a broke grad student.

Marly took small sips of air while thinking through her options.

The smallest of a smile on the man’s face helped calm her pulse.

“Why don’t we start with something easier… like you telling me your name,” the handsome Dom with the perfect salt and pepper five o’clock shadow demanded. When she didn’t answer, his eyes danced with mischief before adding, “Is your name a national secret?”

“No,” she said breathlessly, still expecting Derek to rip her out of the man’s arms.

A full five seconds of silence later he added, “And yet you still haven’t told me. Is it possible you’re bratting on purpose to earn a stern punishment?”

“Oh God… “ she gushed nervously.

“I’m not really one of those God-complex kinda Doms, but if that’s your kink, I’d give it a shot for the night.”

Despite her nerves, Marley couldn’t help but chuckle at the man’s charming comeback.

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