Page 86 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“Come on. Say yes. You know you want to,” he tempted.

“I’m scared,” she admitted.

He leaned in close enough she felt his warm breath on her cheek. His whisper against her ear was intimate. “Of course you’re scared. That’s why it’s so addicting.”

Her breath hitched, recognizing the truth in his words.

When she still hadn’t said yes, he moved one hand lower, cupping her ass through her little black dress. “Don’t think. Just feel.”

She’ll realize she’s been so busy analyzing — trying to make sense of why she craved the sights and sounds of the punishment club. Maybe he was right. Maybe it was time to turn herself over to the cravings. There was just one thing she had to know first.

“Will I still get a safe word?”

“Of course. Safe words are sacred. But… if I’m doing my job right, you’ll be crying out my name instead of red.”

“That will be pretty hard to do since I don’t know what your name is.”

“For you… tonight… Sir will do.”



She was his gift from the universe. There was no other explanation for having the sexy submissive literally fall into his arms less than six hours after walking out of divorce court.

Brock had been coming to The Punishment Pit for months, trying — and failing — to get the sexy atmosphere to pull him out of the deep funk he’d been in the nearly year since coming home early from a business trip to walk in on their kid’s pediatrician doing a thorough internal examination of his wife’s pussy… in his marital bed…

He’d joined the club, determined to bang out dirty revenge sex on every willing sub he encountered, yet each time he’d gotten close to sealing the deal on a sexy scene, he’d backed out, going home with bluer balls than when he’d arrived.

In the end, it came down to one thing for Brock. He’d made a promise — a vow. Even if Candace had trampled all over her wedding vows, he refused to do the same.

He hadn’t been abstaining from sex this last year out of love or some misplaced loyalty to the woman who had shown no loyalty in return. It was just that he liked looking in the mirror and being proud of the man in the reflection. He was self aware enough to know that having sex with someone who wasn’t his wife before the ink was dry on the divorce decree may have felt good in the moment but would have ended up poisoning his new found freedom.

Walking out of the courthouse a single man that afternoon after a year of ugly battles had felt like his personal Independence Day. And tonight he would finally get to enjoy the spoils of the war.

As he squeezed Marley’s elbow, steering her deeper into the main club, he recognized the arrival of the first real joy in what felt like forever. Feeling the appreciative eyes of other patrons on them as they passed by made him feel like a lucky bastard to be with such a sexy partner, even if it was just for one evening.

Brock moved them toward an open plush chair on the fringe of what looked like the gathering of a raucous group of friends.

He angled the chair in the direction of the group as Marley leaned closer to speak over the pounding music.

“Shouldn’t we sit over there?” she asked, pointing at the line of uncomfortable seats lining the farthest perimeter of the theater turned BDSM club.

“What would be the fun in that? We have a much better view of all activities here on the main floor.”

“But there’s only one open seat here.”

“Good observation, but since you’ll be on your knees at my feet, that shouldn’t be a problem,” he said with a devious grin.

He hadn’t even said anything about punishments or sex, yet her bright green eyes widened as she internalized his words.

Christ, she’s a total newbie. Don’t fuck this up, Ingram.

Sitting at the edge of the open seat, Brock spun Marley to face away from him before grabbing her hips, pressing her knees to the carpeted floor.

Suspecting she was a bit like a spooked kitten, he wrapped his arms around her, yanking her back against his chest so he could talk into her ear without shouting over the music.

“Looks like we have a good view of some of the colorful scenes already in progress, don’t you think?”
