Page 29 of Share Me, Daddy

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Slowly, I pulled my hand free from my panties and looked up at the dark ceiling.

I was an idiot.

The idea of the two of them sharing me like that was ridiculous. I should lock my fantasy away, throw away the key, and never think about it ever again.

With a heavy sigh, I rolled over and pulled the covers up over my shoulders.

Nothing like that was ever going to happen.

I shouldn’t allow myself to get my hopes up like that again.



Aknock on my door woke me out of a dead sleep. At first, I thought it was a dream, but when it sounded again, I stared at the ceiling and groaned softly, blearily wiping the sleepiness from my eyes.

What else could this confusing day bring?

Sighing quietly, I stumbled out of bed and made my way to the door. As I swung it open, my eyes opened wide at the sight before me.

Connor was standing outside my door with a wide, roguish grin on his face. The subtle scent of alcohol proceeded him, and I raised a brow, taking in his glassy eyes and rumpled clothes.

Is he drunk?

Connor’s eyes sparkled with an infectious enthusiasm, and his easygoing charm pulled me in despite my lingering sleepiness.

“Hey, baby cakes,” he grinned.

Yeah. He’s most definitely drunk.

“Hey there,” I whispered, blinking, and rubbing my eyes a bit groggily. I glanced at the clock, seeing it was nearly three in the morning. What the hell was this about?

“I want to tell you something,” he said, his words slurring a little bit into one another.

“Can it wait until morning?” I asked, and he shook his head. The expression on his face was expectant and impatient, but he still had that same lopsided smile, and the sight of it put me at ease. Whatever this was, it was Connor, and I knew deep down I could trust him even though he was very clearly drunk off his ass.

“I’m coming inside,” he declared, and I quickly stepped aside as he muscled his huge body through the door.

“Wait, what are you doing?” I pressed, but he ignored me. He stumbled through the room, a blissfully happy expression painted all over his face. His steps were wobbly as he crossed the room and took a seat on my bed.

He patted the bed beside him, and I glanced from him to the spot a bit warily.

“I have good news! Comehereeeeeee,” he announced, his lopsided grin full of celebratory confidence. I looked at him suspiciously, trying to figure out what he might want.

I couldn’t help but notice the carefree sway in his posture. His limbs were loose, his shoulders relaxed, and there was a gentle, drowsy lilt to his movements. The way he patted the bed and gazed at me with mirthful eyes spoke of nothing but pure intentions.

His crooked grin, while slightly disoriented, carried an openness that melted away any unease I had initially felt. His eyes remained warm and inviting, and the vulnerability in his gaze was unmistakable.

As I edged closer to him, eventually I decided that he wasn’t a threat.

I slowly settled onto the bed beside him, still keeping a reasonable distance, and finally, I couldn’t help but ask, “Good news about what?”

“All is right in the world, my dear. You know when sometimes things look hard and there’s no solution, but then it’s obvious and sitting right there in front of your face?” he began.

“I guess I can understand that,” I said, but I was really more confused than I was letting on.

“You know, the situation between me and you… and you and Caden,” he continued.
