Page 70 of Share Me, Daddy

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Eduardo leaned forward, his gaze focused and intense. “One of my most loyal soldiers came to me with crucial information. He had discovered Juan in a secret meeting with those who he intended to put in command once he seized power. They were already planning to dismantle my leadership, with Juan orchestrating the entire betrayal. My soldier risked everything to bring me the truth.”

I furrowed my brow, processing this information. “How did your soldier manage to infiltrate their secret meeting?”

“He’s adept at blending in, and his loyalty to me runs deep. He overheard conversations, pieced together the puzzle, and understood the magnitude of the conspiracy. Once he had concrete evidence, he came to me, ensuring that Juan’s treachery wouldn’t go unpunished,” he explained.

Caden leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. “So, you’ve dismantled the plot from within. Smart move.”

Eduardo offered a tight smile, the weight of the situation evident in the lines etched on his face. “It was necessary. Loyalty is a precious commodity in our world, and I’m fortunate to have soldiers who prioritize the well-being of my cartel over personal gain.”

“What happened to Juan?” Anastasia asked. Her eyes were glinting with power, and I couldn’t help but enjoy every second of it. Her gaze flicked to mine for the briefest of seconds, and my cock hardened in an instant.

Eduardo sighed heavily, a mix of relief and regret evident in his demeanor. “Juan met his fate at the end of my gun. I took care of the matter personally to ensure that justice was served. If you require proof, I can provide it.”

I leaned forward, my jaw tense. “There’s no need for proof. We trust your judgment, Eduardo. The fact that you’ve eliminated the cancer within your organization speaks volumes.”

He nodded once, his expression masked but thoughtful.

“Now, let’s discuss how we move forward and ensure that peace prevails between our families,” Eduardo spoke, his demeanor cool and collected.

“I’d like to hear your suggestion first,” Anastasia prompted, and I could have kissed her for her defiant strength right then and there if the time had been right.

Eduardo leaned back, his eyes scanning each of us. “To ensure a lasting peace, I propose a mutual understanding. We maintain our current territory lines and conduct our business within them. Any disputes will be handled through diplomatic means rather than resorting to violence. This way, we can coexist without unnecessary bloodshed.”

Caden nodded, considering the proposal. “It’s a reasonable arrangement. Our goal is not to escalate tensions but to ensure stability and prosperity for all parties involved.”

“I would appreciate if you gave us some time to discuss this,” I began. I needed to know if Anastasia was truly on board. She was the one that had lost the most in the attack. My brothers had recovered, but her father was the one who’d died.

Eduardo nodded once and excused himself from the room. A weighty silence settled over us as the door clicked shut behind him, and I cleared my throat. The implications of the proposed peace agreement lingered in the air, and I exchanged glances with Caden and Anastasia.

I spoke first, my tone serious. “This is a delicate situation. While peace may be desirable, we can’t ignore the fact that it was Anastasia’s father who was killed. We need to hear her thoughts on the matter before making a final decision.”

Caden nodded in agreement. “Absolutely. We want to ensure that you’re comfortable with the terms of this agreement before we proceed. Your input is crucial in this decision.”

Anastasia took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding. “I appreciate your consideration, but I think enough men have died. I feel no need to take my vengeance any further. As far as I’m concerned, blood has already paid for blood. Besides, we need stability now more than ever. This peace agreement might just be the foundation we need to strengthen our positions and focus on growth for both our families.”

I nodded in agreement. “I think you’re right. This could be an opportunity for both families to prosper without the constant threat of conflict hanging over us.”

Caden chimed in, “But we need to be vigilant, ensure the terms are fair and that there’s no hidden agenda. We can’t afford to let our guards down completely.”

Anastasia concluded, “Agreed. Let’s move forward cautiously and ensure the terms are beneficial for all parties involved.”

A knock sounded on the door, and Anastasia called out for Eduardo to come back in.

As the door swung open, the three of us exchanged glances, but my brother and I remained silent, letting our girl take the lead. Anastasia, her demeanor composed yet determined, signaled for him to join the ongoing discussion. “Eduardo, we’ve deliberated on the terms you proposed, and we’re willing to proceed with the peace agreement.”

Eduardo’s stern countenance softened into a nod of appreciation. “I’m grateful for your openness to peace. It’s a step towards a more stable and prosperous future for all of us.”

Caden chimed in, echoing his brother’s sentiment. “Peace benefits us all. As long as everyone adheres to the agreed-upon boundaries, we should be able to avoid unnecessary conflict.”

Anastasia, though cautious, acknowledged the logic in Eduardo’s proposal. “I can agree to these terms as well, but I have a condition.”

I started, a bit surprised, but I hid it as quickly as I could. Eduardo’s gaze was on her, so he hadn’t noticed my blunder. I glanced in my brother’s direction, watching his reaction too, but he schooled his expression better than I had.

“In return for our commitment to peace, I expect the cartel to cede some territory to my family and to the Murphys. It’s a fair trade for the lives lost and a symbol of shared responsibility.”

I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of amusement at her bold request. The audacity of it surprised even me. Yet, beneath the amusement, a swell of pride warmed my chest.

Pride at being the one who could call her mine, pride at the strong and determined woman she had become, and pride because she was negotiating a harder bargain all on her own. It was a fucking delight to watch.
