Page 119 of Impromptu Match

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“Who’s Carl?”

“Blood Suckapunch.” Vince grinned at me. “A vamp can’t risk passing out somewhere and waking up with no safe way to get home in the sunlight.”

That made sense. Now that he’d mentioned it, I vaguely remembered watching Corey perform his drag routine before the karaoke started. He’d been wearing a skintight pink minidress. Cora had been on stage with him in a teensy pink cape and a feathery carnival headdress.

He’d been handed the red roses by an ardent fan after his performance, and he’d given them to me with a sweet smile to congratulate me on my new job at Goliaths. He’d also been the one to show me how to put on nipple tassels. I held back an embarrassed groan when I remembered shoving up my shirt in the middle of the bar, drunkenly asking him to put them on me.

I also remembered proudly showing my new accessories to the wrestlers, then pouring shots of vodka into our champagne glasses with Blood Suckapunch, thinking it was a fantastic idea. Having a nonsensical conversation with the vampire that had felt so deep and meaningful at the time, but had really just been both of us blabbering incoherently about the secrets of the universe. Aliens. The missing link. Kit had enthusiastically bounded over and joined in, telling us their theory that everything on earth had evolved from giant moths that had settled here from outer space.

Now I was remembering how hilarious I’d found it to see all the wrestlers in their human forms. We’d all found it so funny, for some reason—Kit snorting with laughter over their regular human feet. Heidi doing the can-can with her regular human legs. Carl miming biting down on the bartender’s neck when his back was turned and pointing at his blunt human teeth with a goofy grin. Biff grabbing my hands and squeezing his enormous pecs with them, both of us laughing about how squishy they were compared to his usual gargoyle form.

Oh god. Things hadn’t gotten any more… amorous than that, had they? While the idea of orgies had always held the vague potential of being hot, I didn’t actually want to partake in one. Especially not now that I was with Holt. I didn’t want to have sex with anyone but him.

No. There’d definitely been no orgy. We’d all just goofed off when we got back here. I’d put on EastEnders, and Gabe, Vince and Dan had started acting out some of the scenes while the rest of us cackled and drank more champagne. At some point, Holt had grabbed what remained of the yellow cake frosting we’d bought last weekend and dragged me into the bedroom, firmly closing the door behind us while the wrestlers all whistled and cat-called from the living room.

We’d got as far as stripping down, tumbling into bed, and smearing frosting over Holt’s dick before the two of us had passed out cold.

Letting out a shaky breath, I moved over to the fridge and opened it as carefully as possible so I didn’t disturb Kit, who’d dozed back off on top of it. After grabbing the creamer, Vince and I got busy pouring cups of coffee for everyone. By the time I was putting on a second pot, I could hear Gabe and Biff stirring on the couch.

“Fuck, what time is it?” Gabe slurred. I glanced back in time to see him roll right off Biff and onto the floor. The remnants of heavy drag make-up were smeared over his face, and a big blonde wig was clinging to one horn for dear life.

“A little after six-thirty.” I grabbed two mugs and carried them over. “Want some coffee?”

“Lucifer, yes,” Gabe rasped, sitting up to grab both cups as Biff grunted and rubbed his eyes, stretching out his mostly nude body on the couch. I quickly looked away with a blush when I noticed the obscenely large morning wood tenting his boxer briefs.

“Mm, this is good. Thanks, Taylor.” Gabe took another sip and grinned up at me coyly as he purred, “Or maybe I should call you sir now. Our new marketing manager.”

My blush deepened as Vince chuckled and ambled over, shoving Biff’s thick legs out of the way to flop down on the couch. “Oh shit, that’s right. We were celebrating Taylor’s new job. Welcome to the team, sweetcheeks.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled, then hurried back over to the kitchen to grab more mugs as Heidi’s loud snoring came to an abrupt halt. A second later, there was a loud thud from under the dining table, before she crawled out, rubbing her horns.

“Morning, boys,” she bellowed far too cheerfully, hopping to her feet and giving me a big grin. “Is that for me?”

I quickly handed her a cup, in awe at how awake and perky she was while the rest of us—except maybe Vince—felt like total crap. As she clopped over to join the others, already ribbing Gabe over how hungover he looked, I heard muffled grunting coming from the popcorn bowl on the kitchen counter.

Swallowing, I hesitantly made my way over. Dullahan’s Dan severed head was blinking hard, brow furrowed as he came to, before he spotted me and his mouth stretched into a sultry, crooked grin.

“Mornin’, handsome.” He winked at me as I stared down into the bowl with wide eyes. “Would you be so kind as to take me over to the rest of me?”

“I… Um, s-sure.” I started to reach in, then changed my mind and picked up the bowl. “Do you… want coffee?” I asked the severed head politely as I carried it over to the body now leaning back against the wall, the blow-up dick jutting from between its crossed legs.

Dan was busy sticking out his tongue to try and fish popcorn kernels into his mouth, but he paused to grin and drawl, “I’d love some. Thank you kindly.”

Kit was sprawled out on their belly across the kitchen counters when I went to grab Dan a cup, their long, thin proboscis dipped directly into the fresh pot as they slurped up coffee. They shot me a tired thumbs up, then let their arm flop back down.

This was definitely not how I’d envisioned my final morning working for HutSec Corporation going, but it was actually kind of nice having them here. We’d certainly celebrated my new job at Goliaths in style, that was for sure.

“Did Larkin and Seb not come out with us?” I asked curiously as I finally grabbed a cup of coffee for myself and gulped it down.

Biff cocked his head, thick fingers trailing absently through Gabe’s hair as the incubus curled up on his lap, nursing his coffee. “They were with us when we got to the bar, but I don’t remember seeing them in there.”

Hmmm, that was very interesting. As I sipped my coffee, I decided my first official task as Goliaths’ marketing manager would be secretly trying to figure out what was going on between the fae and the werewolf. Not that it was any of my business, but… I was still gonna.

As we all fell quiet to sip our coffee, the bedroom door opened. Holt appeared, sleep-rumpled and stark naked with an adorably disgruntled expression on his tired face. He took one look at the wrestlers all staring back at him, then slammed the door again.

“Whoops.” I chuckled sheepishly, picking up the last remaining coffee cup and making my way over. “Um, maybe just… pretend you didn’t see that.”

“Boss man has a nice dick,” Gabe said, sounding impressed.
