Page 59 of Triple Trouble

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“Oh.” My face felt warm and I looked down at my pajama top. It came up to my neck, but I knew the tattoo was under there, half-finished, Nathan’s name still legible if you stared at it long enough. Finishing it would take a huge weight off my shoulders: it would be a real fresh start.

And it would keep Jackson busy so he couldn’t talk to Adrian.

“Sure,” I said. “I’d like that.”

It was eight o’clock by the time we cleared up our breakfast things, and the guys disappeared in different directions, getting ready for the morning.

I knocked on Adrian’s door and waited. I knew he was in there — I could hear him rustling around. Xavier was in the shower and Jackson had given me an uneasy look before disappearing into Xavier’s room.

Adrian opened the door wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He must have been expecting to see one of the guys because his eyes widened when he saw me. “Emma! What’s up?”

“Can I talk to you?” I asked, keeping my voice steady to hide my nerves.

“Sure,” he said, and opened the door wider so I could get through. His room was sparsely furnished: a bed, a desk and a wardrobe. I sat on the bed and pretended not to look at the giant dragon tattoo that curved down his back as he tightened the towel.

I wondered how it would feel to fuck him on this bed.

“There’s something I have to tell you,” I said, and took a deep breath, letting it out as I confessed, “I had sex with Jackson.”

I half expected him to kick me out of the apartment. Guys were always possessive and jealous, weren’t they? At least, that’s what my experience had been. But to my surprise, Adrian nodded and took a deep breath of his own.

“I figured as much,” he said. “And honestly… I’m okay with it.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I gave Adrian a huge hug, and as he turned to face me I felt his cock through his towel. That, combined with my relief, awakened something inside me, and now I reallydidwant to know how it would feel to fuck him on this bed.

“What if…” I asked, as I reached down and ran my fingertip over the bulging part of the towel where I knew the head of his cock was.

But Adrian shook his head and pulled my hands away.

“I’m running late for work. And I don’t think Xavier will accept this as a reason for turning up after we open.”

He stood up and dressed in front of me, with no self-consciousness at all as he dropped his towel around his ankles. I reached out for his cock again but, just as he had the first time, he gently pushed my hands away.

“You’ve got more self-control than I do,” I muttered.

“I take my job seriously,” he said with a wink. “And if you want to stay in Xavier’s good books, so will you.”



After lunch, I made my way down to the studio, where Jackson was already waiting.

“Ready for your next session?” he asked with a grin.

I’d changed into a tank top, so it wouldn’t irritate the skin on my chest after Jackson had finished his work. Just as I had the first time, I took it and my bra off once Jackson had pulled the curtain around me, and placed them folded next to the chair.

Even though the first cover-up work was only done a couple of weeks ago, this felt like an entirely different experience. Instead of being nervous and self-conscious, I trusted Jackson completely, and I didn’t need anyone to sit next to me holding my hand.

“I found some videos that I want you to watch,” Jackson said as I pulled out my phone.

“Yeah?” I asked playfully, wondering if he was about to show me something sexy.

Talking to Adrian had left me feeling frustrated, and if there weren’t other clients in the shop, I would have happily let Jackson fuck me here.

“Yeah,” he said, taking my phone off me and scrolling through until he found what he was looking for. “I think you need to see this.”

When he gave my phone back, the clips on the screen weren’t what I’d expected to see at all. They were news segments from major television networks.
