Page 1 of King of Shadows

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The world was not prepared for such a despicable being to get into the life of the girl who might end up saving her life.

The villain is always ready to lay the world at her feet, but she knows he means her world full of chaos, blood and death.

If you love each other, you should keep in mind that just as you touched your fingers, tasted each other's mouths and remembered your face, you can leave. Everything can be lost in this world full of strife that never ends because evil will always rule.

A loss began this game full of challenges.

One bad night for both of them was enough for them to set out to corrupt the other.

The mafia is in constant fights, disputes and conflicts because the leaders of the 'Ndrangheta have just fallen due to the enemy family of the Marino, everything is a disorder that Salvatore must control to keep the empire standing and make himself clear to her. his love that he can offer you.

A perverse love full of desires and perversions that should be punished, not praised.

And she is willing to give in, willing to want to know him to learn about the beast she wants to submit to.

They are two people who suffer, have pressures and never imagined that both could do so much for each other.

You can't just love each other.

You can't just hate each other.

They can't just be wished for.

They can also kill for each other without hesitation.





My brothers and I remain in front of the two coffins, everyone is dressed in black and the soldiers spread out so they can cover the entire cemetery where the Marino family has been buried for ages. I check the watch that my father gave me, it says five in the afternoon and this whole thing is a mess that I haven't been able to bear.

Ginevra runs her hands over her face to erase all traces of tears, she is the most sensitive, the spoiled one of the house and I know that it hurts her to have lost our parents because they were everything to us.

Although our upbringing was quite hard, they always had the time to love us as their children and not just as their future mafia bosses. I feel the light push of my brother Leone in a hint of accompaniment, I feel them all close and at the same time far away.

I was not prepared to take charge of everything, I am the oldest, I have new responsibilities and one of them is to put the entire mafia in order. I do not rule out my second objective, which is to take revenge on the bastards who killed our parents, they were just going on vacation to the seas of Italy, they were prepared to spend some time together and they attacked them, filling the yacht with blood.

Although they had their faults and even if I don't forgive mom and dad, I have to make my vendetta against Alessio Rinaldi.

It's just the four of us and the guard, there are no emissaries, there are no soldiers, associates,consigliereor any other member of the clan to say goodbye to the highest in this empire that we have been keeping standing for a long time.

—What are we going to do?

Domenico asks, quite confused, all this happened too quickly to be able to analyze and take prior measures.

Nobody knew that our parents would be attacked.

Nobody knew that things were going to change starting today.

"I don't have the strength to take charge of everything today," I answer seriously, the lump in my throat not dissolving. Go to the house, stay because the Rinaldis have to continue stalking us so they can unsubscribe us, follow the fucking orders.

-Where you'll go?
