Page 128 of King of Shadows

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—You're right, you can't cover the experience of people who have been there for years, but it's a good step forward that you want to learn. Over time you will be able to advance and become someone as strong as us, or even stronger.

—I like that, great things can be done as a team, Salvatore.

"The thing is..." he pauses, "we're not your team, Emily."

-Oh no?

He moves his head, digging his chin into my shoulder and I know he's shaking his head, bringing his hands to my breasts to gently remove the clamps. Although they hurt, he takes care of the pain by using his fingers to gently caress all my breasts, giving me a calm that comforts me.

—We are your family, Emily.

—Family... Family?

"Family," he assures, "I have no fucking problem in making you mine in the right way, making you Salvatore Marino's wife, the lady of the clan and the owner of Calabria." He massages my erect nipples. Because I am the owner of all this and I was afraid of everything I told you last time, but now..., now I don't want to resist getting what I want.

—Salvatore Marino has always had everything he wants, why not now?

—Exactly, you should not feel rushed, in the same way in a few weeks or months I will continue wishing to have you for me,princeessa.

-I know.

His arms completely surround my abdomen and his hands rubbing my breasts with a little possessiveness between those caresses. He doesn't stop kissing my shoulder, he fixes my hair while I eat the food they have prepared for me.

—I want to buy a princess bed to put in the room and bring Cookie here with me.

—Oh, I took care of her in the morning, and Trixi helped me play with her afterwards.

—Teamwork, huh?

"We do it well, all of us do it well," he assures. I'll buy the bed, when we get back it will be here so she can sleep with us, yesterday you were tired and I stayed with her in my arms because she is a puppy.

—You're a good father, Marino.

His fingers tighten on my breasts, making it clear to me that this took him by surprise, I place one of my hands on his to caress it.

-It was a joke.

He relaxes slowly, putting his lips again against my bare shoulder, my body was stained, something that neither of us was disgusted by. That gave us uncontrollable pleasure.

—Do you think he's a good father?

—If you want it that way, yes, when you are, only you will decide whether to follow in your parents' footsteps or change for the good of your family, only you will decide, Salvatore.

—But... Would you choose me for that?

—I think we should talk about it, personally I would not like them to have such a cruel upbringing to make them soldiers without feelings and then they become Don or lady of the mafia, I want something nice for my children, something that they can really enjoy without feeling like I'm losing my husband or my children because of the place I brought them to develop.

Neither of us speak again, he is not bothered by my words, instead, he analyzes it because I think we have both realized that the upbringing we have had has been very different from each other.

However, in my case I want my children in the future to receive another type of love, attention and life than I had or, in that case, for me to stay with him and it is a good option, I want him to have a different upbringing than the one I had. hers.

I don't want to suffer in a marriage.

I don't want my children to suffer at any time.

If this attack were successful it would be clear to me that this world is truly very cruel, even if I like it, it will not be optimal for my children unless we propose to change certain parameters that within the same clan have been imposed for many years since that the first person created this whole system.

That's all I think about, and I also think about David again, what he would think if I were to tell him this part of our conversation. He would be excited because he would realize that I have found that person with whom I do not feel limited, he would be happy with my change.
