Page 129 of King of Shadows

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Thanks to him I got a little bit of physical condition, because I would have been dead from the first training session. The advantage was that I had always been judicious when I wanted to learn something, that's why since I trained with the escort of Salvatore and his brothers I haven't stopped, I take advantage of every minute, not caring if the next day it hurts until I open my eyes.

It's time to get approved, it's time to help my brother like the many times he has helped me, it's time to get him back.

Let's see who ends up destroying a territory first.

Let's see what Apulia has prepared for us.

Because I, I feel ready.





I see that Alessio is chaining up, throwing strings of saliva against the floor, the drops wrapped in blood do not surprise me since he has had enough, he has had a lot of torture to correct his fateful mistake. How I wish Massimo had believed in me from the beginning, that way the Marinos would be long dead. I remain in my chair trying to remain calm, many times I have wanted to hurt him in my own way, but only his father is allowed to do so.

—Times have changed since I defeated you.

"You didn't do it," he sighs heavily against his chest, it was difficult for him to even blink. You put me here because you knew that never in my life would I have been able to leave everything in your hands.

—Maybe you're right, maybe I wasn't going to take you down in the cleanest way possible; However, remember that we Rinaldis never play fair, even your dirty mother played dirty a few weeks ago to be able to get you out while she was messing with someone else to distract your father Massimo - I start laughing with simple irony -. He forgot that there was me, Fabian and his sister. What a disappointment, beautiful Aurora wanting to help you and what she got was a resounding beating for contempt.

That bothers him, but he is the one who is chained with all the disadvantage on his side.

"No one in life is going to love you with marks," I refute, mocking his own face. All your fucking life boasting about being the most handsome, attractive and the all of me and look at you, so broken, so beaten as if you were just another pig inside the pig ready to break into good pieces of meat. Marked by your own family, how ironic Alessio.

—Leave me alone, the day I have the chance I swear I'm going to throw you to the wolves.

—And who will they be precisely? You have no one on your side Alessio, no one, because in this life you are already alone.

I stand up without further ado feeling disgust for my cousin who is an asshole with no clear ideas. He has no vision, he has no guts because he is always thinking about granting peace as if we were good Samaritans and it will never be like that. Here and in China all of us will always be the bad guys in one or more stories.

—Keep talking to the rats, maybe they want to be your friends.

I simply leave the great dungeon inside the house that is always colder than the rest, I fix my long hair that reaches my shoulders with my hands, I tie it in a half ponytail and I see that several of the soldiers They approach, behind them comes Fabian along with his sister who many times are either a pain in the ass or a salvation for my plans.

—What's happening Mauricio?

—The Rinaldis have just arrived, sir. —He hands me his cell phone with the radars flashing red, the waves spread out defining that they are close to my land—. We notified Massimo and he made it clear to us that we must follow you for whatever you order us, we are sure that they will come for David.

"Yes, that's for sure," I return the device to my escort. They are idiots because if they came here it was to waste people, to end their own lives, so I want them to prepare everyone because I am sure that soon they will want to enter," I assert. Take me to David, you two come with me.

I walk away, taking behind me the two morons who think they are the greatest things in the world just for working for us, they are ordinary and half-assholes. The escorts move to be able to move people, arm them and prepare them. I cross the large residence, my manors are quite firm.

“Alessio,” the woman pronounces my name. Will Emily come?

"No, of course not, they don't bring that slut even because her mother is dying," I say without further ado. She is a whore, well selected by Salvatore and no matter how much he wants to be different because control is in his blood from his father, he is capable of locking up his own wife so that not a single hair of her can be touched.

"If I have Salvatore in front of me," Fabian continues, following my steps, "can I kill him?"

"You can't, we'll take care of that," I mumble, feeling overwhelmed, the guarded metal door of the Slaughterhouse is a few steps away. Was it not clear to you what they can do to you if you touch them?

It was unpleasant to attend to him when they marked the initial of the enemy's last name on his body, I was about to kill him, but he released information that helped me affect specific people. He's a bastard who can't resist a damn scratch. When I enter the prison we have, all the inmates retreat. This place, despite being cold, what changes about the dungeon is that it stinks of shit; Everyone inside steps back, preventing the little light from the bulbs on the ceiling from touching their faces. I go through corridors arriving at a room that was an interrogation room combined with a splendid place for torture.

I had a plan for each of them, each plan more bastard than the last and I would realize how weak the Marinos are. Would they fall for a Blendengue asshole and a fourth-rate slut? Or would they be saved when they noticed that death was breathing close to them?
