Page 130 of King of Shadows

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Two questions that I ask myself all the time, that's why I always find the weakest points, I find Emily and David causing a chain effect: harming Emily, harming Salvatore, harming David, harming Emily by causing the brothers support it.

The two of them will end up giving them to me, Emily Fiore and David Bianco, so stupid that I have no choice but to thank them for making things too simple for me. Upon entering, the soldiers who are in charge of this part of the entire Rinaldi land give me the things I need and David is not surprised to see that Fabian and Helena are on my side.

He was beaten, tortured without being too aggressive and has not seen anyone, only my lackeys who are always available to do harm.

"Your dear girlfriend is not around, she died while you were escaping and you left her lying on the floor of your apartment," I let him know. And now it's time to give you what I've always wanted, your reward for being an obedient person in exchange for a couple of words that you are going to say to me yes or yes, there are no negatives, David.

—Leave me bastard.

“As a faggot as always,” Fabian says, leaning his back against the wall. Realize that you lost the battle, friend, you are finished and so is your whore of a friend.

—The one that fed you, that made you feel satisfied even though you were eight centimeters long and you didn't give her a damn orgasm. —I start laughing, David is quite entertaining and I needed someone to shut up that stupid idiot Fabian—. The same one who was with you through thick and thin, the one you stole every salary from, the one you turned your back on every time you made her have sex with you because you destroyed her, the same one who is now with Salvatore, your enemy, I assure you that he treats her like a queen and not nonsense like you. Are we talking about that same Fabian?

For the first time, Fabian remains silent and when I see that his dog sister is about to intervene, I order her to close her mouth with a simple look, I throw daggers at her that make her retreat.

—David, I need you to tell me what the family's new weak points are and what happened to the girl who lost everything she had, because I know she was having a pretty strong connection with Leone.

"I didn't visit them," she looks me straight in the eyes, "I didn't know what was going on in that place and before the kidnapping Emily received a cell phone, but it was two days before I got here, so we didn't have much contact."

—I don't believe you, think about it and change your answer, please.

Mauricio approaches with a hint of pity in his eyes, puts on the rings with the spikes and grinds them with blows that open his skin. David pulls on his chains, he is almost naked because his boxers are the only thing that covers the most intimidating part of his body. If Salvatore is here, he will notice that on every street there is a large poster of naked Emily providing her services as the Rinaldi prostitute who is willing to receive a few euros to eat.

I have to admit that many men have wanted to give a lot of money for her, it is said that she is locked up in this residence and that is where the mafia's extortion work comes in. Every time they bring money to sleep with her, we take it from them, I keep it and if they reject I send them to kill.

I think he will find it quite entertaining to see that David is already being prostituted, that his beloved dog's best friend is being used as his wife will soon be used.

—Let's go again, I'm listening to you David.

"I don't know," he tries not to break down, the blood begins to trickle down his face. I only know that they have problems, they don't get along at all, they hate each other and I highly doubt that they will be able to be a team.

—Then why are the four of you here?

"Because Emily wants me back, damn it, I'm her friend," he pleads, "she wants me back and she probably used the brothers to come for me."

"Well, I doubt they'll rescue you if what you say is true, because if the brothers haven't gotten along, they won't be able to get you out as if they were a team," I mention analytically. You've been with us for a week, Emily took too long to get you out, don't you think?

—I don't know Alessio, I don't know.

"Well, if you're not going to tell me anything else, do well," I give certain signals to Mauricio. I'm going to prostitute you while they try to fight us because they have come, for you, of course, but it doesn't mean that they will succeed. Mau - I look at my man -, tear his clothes, take photos and post them large throughout Apulia so that they know that this being is for sale and they can rape him as many times as possible, call our greatest partners in the house for them to take their feast.

—As you order, sir.

—See you later, David.

He begins to beg, ask for explanations. Terror stains every part of his face, he talks to me without shouting, without crying all over his body, he gives me the electric shocks I needed to fuck with the enemy family's weakest point. Emily, a weak dog who cries for everything, loves colors, smiles all the damn time even if life kicks her in the ass and she's just another weakling.

—Leone has Trixi!


I stop short of opening the door.

—Don't do anything with me, leave me like this, just take that information with you.

I already have him naked in this cold cell that smells like shit, I already have him in my hand begging, planning so that no one touches him again and they finish breaking his head.

