Page 137 of King of Shadows

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Yes, no more doubts, no more setbacks.

A part of our soldiers are in charge of knocking down the soldiers of the other side, they fall to the ground, I kill one and when I turn around due to inertia I notice the man coming behind. I break free of his hand so I can shoot him before he kills Salvatore. The man falls and Leone urges me on with a friendly smile.

—You already know that we arrived through other areas, we have to leave.

We go around several rooms until we reach the kitchen where we see that there is a person calling our attention using a lamp. When the girl leaves the island, Leone takes her by the hand to take her with her.

"They must follow me, they are going to enter through the main door," he says panting, he is afraid. Alessio and Massimo were in front so they could attack them when they began to enter, they did not know that they were going to enter from inside the house.

"Don't be afraid," Leone says. Just take us to the slaughterhouse, that's where they have it.

—Yes, follow me.

The batch of bullets doesn't take long to wait, bullet after bullet, the explosion of these burns my ears. I look everywhere trying to keep the routes open to escape, the knives in my leg will allow me to attack with fists when I run out of bullets. Salvatore is in charge of holding me the entire time while with his other hand he shoots so they don't get close to the back door. The air hits our faces, we hide in the first bushes that appear in the yard.

There are screams everywhere, the lights in the house restart as our people had managed to cut off any kind of light flow that kept the people of this place in contact. Miranda is the one who orders us how to follow her, she makes us hide between sculptures and large trees that cover the four of us. The escorts we bring go forward to kill several.

“Tamara and Lorenzo,” Leone murmurs. With them, Nadia and Guillermo with me.

-Yes sir.

—Miranda, you're coming with me.

—Yes, Leone.

The two groups are divided, my hand is as if it adheres to Salvatore's with the strongest glue in the world. Nobody separates us, we both walk at the same time starting from the same foot, we read each other's minds without even seeing each other and we shoot when we make our way so that we cross a good few meters of terrain. The supposed prison or the Rinaldi Slaughterhouse is built of stone and is quite dark, the sentinels guarding the large metal door when they see us start shooting at us and we have to go to the ground.

“Take this,” Tamara reaches out to put a dart gun in my hand. It's full, it has to run when we discover the door.

“We will take care of clearing your entry,” Salvatore adds in seconds. You must enter and Lorenzo will help you get to David, I will wait for you outside.

—No, together, we must get it out together.

—No, they are going to go after you when they see you, we can only help you so that no one goes to jail.

-I do not know if...

—Never doubt, you can, you surprise me tonight,principessa.

Before I say anything else Lorenzo closes his finger tightly on my arm, Salvatore leaves a chaste kiss on my lips and the two of them move forward so they can kill those who are at the door. Everything is a disaster, people kill each other non-stop, there are screams and thousands of curses that my brain cannot process. The moon is the one that begins to accompany us while we wait.

—You must wait, miss, you must wait.

—I don't want them to hurt him.

—That's why we are here to come from behind if you want... —The bullets almost eat my feet, when I turn I realize that someone from behind is starting to shoot at us—. Run, go, go!

—You are my escort, you would give your life for me!

—Run, shit, they're going to kill her if she stays!!

I no longer want to be a coward, a weak girl who sees everything in thousands of colors when reality is different.

Next to him I get into position to be able to shoot, I reload in seconds remembering each of my lessons in Calabria. I don't stop, right now I must lose my fear because the moment I look over my shoulder I realize that they have Tamara on the ground and someone is hitting Salvatore non-stop, putting him at a disadvantage.

—They need us, aim and kill, both Lorenzos!

He doesn't say more, he reloads the machine gun while I shoot down two and we have three left that are hidden. Leone had stayed behind with Miranda, when I see him leave he rolls the grenades that send grass and dirt flying. The blood explodes in the air, that helps us kill the other two who were hiding. I don't wait for Lorenzo, I just wait for him to follow me.
