Page 138 of King of Shadows

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I run, putting my legs to the limit, I take out two knives, throwing the weapon to the ground and I lunge at the man who has mine covered in blood. He grabbed him by the neck, rolled him on the ground, pulling him out of Salvatore's body. I surround the man's waist with my legs, pressing his back to my chest and I stick the knives into the sides of my prey's neck, causing him to begin to bleed.

Domenico had shown me where to stick those sharp blades without hesitation, I throw him to give me time to get up and Salvatore is surprised. I have dirt and blood stains on my face, I point at it with my knife seeing that Lorenzo has already opened the prison door.

—I will give my life for you, it is the only way to feel alive, my love, guard my heart, and I will not leave you who is the Don and the mafia sign.

—That's for sure, love, go for it.

He turns around to pick up Tamara, his brother comes over to also guard the door while we go inside. Lorenzo is in charge of killing the soldiers guarding the interior, I run around deducing where the damned cold room with four smooth walls is. I run through the hallways receiving boos from everyone, they want to get out, they want freedom.


Lorenzo covers me at all times, I take the gun with the darts and step back when I see that there are two men guarding my friend's cell. I put my back to the wall and Lorenzo goes in front, I crouch down to show the gun just a little, however, the bullet bursts near my hand causing scratches that burn on my fingers. The gun with the sedatives falls, I catch it and Lorenzo goes to the other wall.

—I'll call him, sedate the other and come in for his friend.

—Kill him, don't let him kill you for any reason.

"My duty is to give my life if necessary for you, my life for yours, my life for your crown, my life to maintain the Marine empire until the day of the total destruction of the world," he states, gripping his submachine gun. My life is not as valuable as yours.

—For me it is, so fight, don't give in.

His eyes give me the answer that stabs me in the head, we both leave the walls that cover us and one of the men runs towards Lorenzo to attack him. I give the other three sedatives that send him to the ground, I run towards him, take his submachine gun and pierce his skull more than eight times. With the same weapon I open the door, sending the padlocks flying, I pass the machine gun tape across the middle of my chest to see David chained.


—Meg... Damn, they're going to kill you, go away, leave me here.

"No, I will never leave you," I cradle his bloody face, "because you are my brother."


—No, I will give everything for mine until I return to Calabria alive, everyone.

I take the gun again to fire several times at the chains that burst from the constant impact of the ammunition. David falls to the ground, he has scratches, fine lines marking his body as if every inch of his skin had been whipped. I run to him to pick him up in my arms, I place my weight against mine and the screams from outside tell me that Lorenzo is failing.

—David, stay here, take this.

I give him one of my knives covered in blood, I put my hands on the weapon and I leave clinging to it that will allow me to finish off that asshole who wants to take the great master of weapons. My hair waves, I move my hips and put all my points on my head.






—Leave him, you idiot!

I point at the individual who already has the gun against Lorenzo, I look at the cells that with one bullet I can make them run away as if they were the horde of zombies wanting to eat these idiots.

—Move a fucking foot and I'll kill him!

Strategy, plan an exit, plan an advantage.

-It is a challenge?
