Page 160 of King of Shadows

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-What does he want? —He doesn't say anything, he moves the device insistently so he puts it to my ear—. Hello Dad.

I hear his rapid breathing, I see my friend's face covered in bruises and I get scared the moment he starts screaming.

—It was your damn fault! Fabian told us, you are involved in shady things, things that will put you in jail when we hand you over,” he reproaches me. And because of you they took her away, they took her away from me because of your fucking fault and for sleeping with anyone. I thought you were mature, I thought you were an intelligent girl.

-What are you taking about?

Salvatore leaves the living room, leaving the others with the game on the television, he takes me by the waist, I take out my cell phone and put it on speaker.

—I need to see you to tell you to your face Emily, I'm here in Calabria.

—I can't bring you if you don't tell me what happened.

—They killed your mother! —He screams—. Selene died at night, she was running some errands for our dinner and they killed her, now your ex-boyfriend or whatever came to tell me everything you do. It's your fault, face me, girl.

I look at Salvatore for a few moments, Ginevra arrives with a large container of ice cream and two spoons, one she gives to David and she looks at me for a few seconds.

—Bring him, let him say it to your face.

—Send me your address so I can pick you up.

Ginevra stops eating so she can capture the location, Salvatore calls the escort to take the data and when I hang up I am stunned not knowing what to say or do. We all go to the living room, Salvatore turns off the television to keep his brothers attentive.

"Emily's father is coming here," he reports. They killed the mother yesterday night, and Fabian was a fucking gossip to put shit into her head. We must prepare ourselves, these are blows from them and what happened between Emily and Helena.

I don't have the words to say something, after all my mother had died, she had not had much interest in talking to me about healthy relationships and telling me how to take care of myself from men who could harm me. The lump forms in my throat, right now I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to say, I don't know if crying or keeping everything I feel to myself is better.

The minutes seem eternal to me, with each minute that passes I feel that my body becomes more rigid and a cold sweat runs all over my skin. I don't know what to expect if things haven't been the best and I know that Dad said all those things about me because he's in crisis, he's dealing with all this that just happened and that they just told him.

Things he believed.

Things he trusts.

—They've arrived, it's him and Maxim.

David reports, we all move in a group to the main door, we open it and I go ahead to see my father come down with his daughter holding his hand. When I let go, he limps to get to my place and his hand hits my face so hard that I fall to the floor, causing everyone's fury. Salvatore grabs me by the hips to stand up while the other three point guns at him, making them retreat. Maxim gets scared, takes refuge behind him while he sees me lying on the ground.

—It wasn't enough for you to play the victim! You come, you break up with Fabian and you leave with an asshole who screws up your life, who makes you kill, who makes you guide your enemies to kill your mother - he tries to push the others -. I'm not scared of you idiots.

—You are nobody here! —Leone shouts in my defense.

"His daughter does," Dom adds. So see the positions, I respect the ranks that our lady's word is the law and if she orders us to kill him it is the first thing we will do without hesitation.

—So you're already their little bitch? "Your mother is dead because of you." I stand up and fix the hair she messed up. For opening your legs to these unhappy people who kill, who do things of the Devil and look at you. Look at who you've become, look at who you are now, you're not my daughter,” she points out to me with tremors all over her body. My daughter did not kill, she did not hurt, she did not leave her family adrift.

-Oh no? —I face it by making the three of them separate, Dom and Leone take Salvatore because he is just about to fly away until he puts dad inside the cement—. And you are not the father I wanted, you went and deceived my mother, you made another family that no matter how much you lie, you know that you love Maxim more than me, you love his mother more than mine. Don't come with stupid morals, yours is quite false, you were never interested in me, you just wanted me to accept the reality that I never wanted for myself - I point out -. How many more did you cheat on my mother with?

—Don't talk to my dad like that!

—You fucking shut up!! —I order Maxim to shut up, he steps back taking my father's hand—. You point at me, you tell me, you hit me and you were never good at teaching me that abusive men like you will never be worth it, because Fabian was. I didn't know about relationships, I just knew that he treated me too badly and tell me, were you good at protecting me? No, because Maxim was always more important, it was always her, she was the one you always had on a pedestal.

" I'm sorry dad! I'm so sorry for not having you on a pedestal, but you caused that. I was just a girl and you were already hoping that I would have the maturity to avoid all that was happening, you were wanting me to agree to share you, you wanted me not to care that you had someone else while you were still with mom. How fucked up it was, right? A girl trying to deal with all the emotional burden her own father gave her. That's why I left, because Maxim didn't just want attention, he wanted to fuck me every damn moment of my life when I myself knew I aspired to something more. And I'm not just talking about children, my path was destined for something bigger, dad.

—Being a mafia bitch?

—Don't you get tired of fucking? —I threaten my sister who is still hiding with my gaze, I snatch Leone's gun and challenge her—. Come on, show me your fucking face like you always wanted to do, always humiliating me and saying that no one was going to love me, that I was always going to be the second option.

