Page 161 of King of Shadows

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—Did he never tell you, dad? —I question it inquisitively—. Fucking me day and night so that I would let you go, so that I would convince my mother to leave you so that you could return to them. And yes, I am sorry if you are no longer my family, if Mom's death does not hurt me because I prefer that she be happy in heaven than someone who only uses her, who only loves her to keep the family happy and united in marriage until May death separate them - my eyes fill with water -. Mom was not in a good relationship, I know because she cried when you were not there, you Rino never understood that we wanted to have you forever, but you always wanted to emphasize to us that if we did not accept it we would be immature.

—Emily, it's not true, I thought you understood.

—Did you think about it? Of course, you never asked because you wanted to implant the idea of acceptance in me, when it really bothered me that you had another family, the same one in which I will never feel accepted and I don't intend to be. —I run the back of my hand over my cheeks—. So yeah, this is me and I didn't have to mess with anyone the first time to be where I am. I don't need you, I never needed you and if you don't like my life the door is too big for you to leave. You - I see my father - if you are going to believe the words of someone who abused my trust, who destroyed me, deceived me, betrayed me and many other things later, go with him because very soon he will end up dead and that will be on me. . I will kill Fabian, I will tear him to pieces for all the damage he did to me, and you—I point to Maxim—are so irritable that the one who will really be left alone will be you. You always go through life humiliating others, making them small when in reality you are nobody. You were making fun of me and look at me, I control life and death, so I ask you to shut your fucking mouth because you have already done a lot of damage to me and your father never did anything. Don't worry, it was never necessary and it will never be necessary because I can defend myself, it is me, then me and in the end me. Anything else? Another question you want to resolve?

They both go back, dad breaks into pieces and in the same way he continues to do the same thing in me: nothing. He was not with me when my dreams, my feelings and everything that was my life fell into pieces at such a young age. Nobody was there in the most difficult moments, nobody, now they won't need me either if it has always been just the three of them.

—The door is big, go back the way you came, if you're going to blame me for walking, spend your life doing it. It remains with me that it was not my fault, I did not kill her; However, I have something to do with it and I accept it, it's just my damn problem.


—It's time for you to go.

I turn on my heel, gun in hand at all times, leaving the brothers and David outside while I go inside the house to disperse my thoughts. I want to do everything, I want to cry, scream and vent.

The first thing I do is find a glass, a bottle of alcohol, and I ask myself, how much can it affect a trauma that my own father created in me?

"The most likely thing is that they will come for us," says Ginevra. The best thing is that we prepare, we must go after Fabian and Massimo, let's leave Alessio until the end.

"That's a good idea," Dom supports his sister. Alessio being alone becomes defenseless, he becomes a coward and that is exactly what we need to be able to kill him and get Alessio out. After all, he is the one who deserves to be in charge of the Crown.

I leave everything on the cart with the drinks, I turn around and I already have Salvatore in front of me trying to contain himself. He wants to run out to kill the person who knocked me to the ground; However, I also see the regret of the time he did it in me.

-I'm sorry.

"If you speak for yourself, remember that we went through it, I forgave him and I paid for it," I remind him. If you speak for him, let him go with his now desired family. Mom is resting, she no longer cries at night.

—Emily, things are going to get difficult—he turns his body a few centimeters to see everyone else—. This war is against them, I am sure that it will not take long for them to attack and above all, Fabián's spiteful will do so against Emily. We are going to be in charge of finishing them off, of killing them so we can attack Alessio directly, leaving us with no nonsense. David and Emily are exposed, they are in front of everything and although they are not weak at all, they are not strong to attack someone like Massimo and Alessio.

-What do you mean?

I chime in with slight confusion, he takes my hand, gives it a light squeeze.

"I need them to leave," I frown. You two are going to leave Italy, I don't want you here until Alessio is unprotected, until we finish off the strongest and bastards that are Massimo and Fabian, they are going to return.

-That? —I ask again—. No! Salvatore, it's not that...

"You promised," he faces me without hesitation. We agreed on something, you were going to leave when your life was in too much danger and I need you to leave. "I don't want to lose you Emily, I don't want anything to happen to you, I don't want them to kill you for everything that just happened," he explains, quite annoyed, however, he reserves certain feelings. I don't want to say that because of your movements everything is happening because of you, in the mafia these things happen, it is a chain of blows that one day or another has to be unleashed and we just did it. Because of the promise we made, it's time, and it's also to protect your friend.

I am left speechless, I let go of his hands and I feel a ball of emotions cover me completely.

I had promised, I had said that my suitcase would be ready when danger lurked too close. I promised and I had not been a person who went back on his word.

—It's time for you to go, Emily.

—Salvatore, I don't want...

—You promised, I'm not doing it for other external reasons, feelings, lack of confidence, right or wrong. "I'm doing it because I want to protect you, I'm not going to lose you and this way is the best solution to keep you safe along with David who is exposed," he points out. Don't break your promise because I would never break one of mine, and if you refuse, I'm going to ride you anyway. I want you alive, because I am not going to allow you to die before my eyes.


-You're going to go!

Their scream makes me retreat because things are clear, I must do it, I promised and they are the ones who know best how the Rinaldis make their moves.

I can't be selfish either, brothers take care of each other and I have little education but that doesn't mean that I can handle a whole battle like this. David is unprotected, he is in the air with a huge red dot on his head that is a clear sign of a weak target.

David and I must leave, we must get to safety.
