Page 169 of King of Shadows

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—Did Massimo escape?

—Yes, Nadia doesn't have much information, she spoke with Erick and he told her that it is possible that she jumped before the plane exploded and that is why she managed to escape.


I snatch the bottle from Dom who is still drinking, I take a long drink and I see from afar in the middle of the shadows of the sea that Rodrigo is climbing up with at least five men supporting a weak body. I stick the bottle to my brother's abdomen, he takes it and we get closer because they are putting something on the boat.

—Prepare the ambulance!

I scream, the paramedics start to receive the body they have just brought up. There has only been one, Rodrigo's other men stay to continue searching, in the middle of the night none of the three can discern who the person they brought up is. They get closer, Domenico drops the bottle causing it to break and when they take it out of the water my soul returns to my body.

She has lost her color, I approach her and she is cold, her dress is torn at the abdomen, there is a wound on her head and they take me aside so that the experts can do their work.

—He has little pulse, he is weak, charge the defibrillator and prepare a way so he can breathe.

We move away, my heart stops this time because she doesn't respond, she doesn't open her eyes or spit out the water no matter how much help they give her. They offer him oxygen, they put pressure on his chest until they load the paddles and take them to his chest, which is drying due to the strong air. They inject medicine and she begins to cough up everything that was in her lungs.


They put her on her side, however, she has a hard time breathing so they have to put a tube down her throat when she falls unconscious on the floor again.

—Take her to the hospital!! —Loene barks—. Follow us, we will make way for them to arrive in less time.

This time he is the one driving, they don't let me get into the ambulance, however, I always follow the vehicle at all times. Domenico goes next to me, my other brother makes his way between the cars while the guard protects the ambulance that transports her, we leave the others in the sea looking for David and Lorenzo. My heart pumps, it hits my chest, which is compressed by the thousands of sensations in my body. I repeat the same thing over and over again:

I do not want to lose her.

I do not want to lose her.

I do not want to lose her.

Leone makes way for the ambulance, he doesn't mind crashing into several cars to separate them, we arrive at the hospital and Ginevra is the first to send the doors of the entire hospital to be secured to kidnap him. They lower Emily down on the stretcher wrapped in some type of paper to give her heat back so she doesn't go into hypothermia. I'm going against them, but they're about to avoid my path.

—Sir, you can't continue here!

One of the nurses confronts me.

-It's my wife!

—And it could be the queen herself, she will still be denied passage, let us do our job.

My sister takes my arm to take us to the living room, there is a lot of commotion about the families who come to admit those who managed to rescue from the sea from the emergency room. Domenico arrives with the coffee, pours some alcohol and I steal another pack of cigarettes to finish it while the hours pass without a break.

I don't know how long I stare at the floor.

I analyze the hours, I analyze each minute that passes.

There are no answers.

My brothers, as hard as it is for me to recognize, now show me their support by staying by my side, Leone is the one who cares about the other bodies and during the hours Rodrigo comes to us with a paper handing in the studies they did. Seeing the photos just makes my stomach turn again, I start smoking to wait for it to speak for itself and explain to me what's on that ballot.

"A part of the plane exploded, some remains were left intact with a couple of bodies inside," he explains tiredly, "Erick told us that there were two bodies, that we should examine them and what I did was send them to do the autopsy while we were still on the plane." Water. It's David and Lorenzo with 80% confidence, it's only up to you to help with more data to meet the other percentage, there are burned parts, there are parts that are missing in their bodies.

"I'll do it," Ginevra proposes. I will help you, my brothers have a lot to process right now.


I say goodbye to my sister, they had died, there was nothing to bring them back. I end up falling in my seat, I'm very sure that Emily will live, but knowing that I have to tell her leaves me blank.
