Page 174 of King of Shadows

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Domenico finishes by encouraging me to go to Emily's room, they tell me about the situation a few hours ago where she was unemployed, I pay attention and in the end I stay by her side holding her hand.

"I will always be here, I'm not going to move, maybe you won't come back to me," I whisper, "but I will always come back to you, love."

I kiss her knuckles, and then place my head on her abdomen thinking about everything I have wanted since I realized the truth, since I accepted everything I felt for her.

I think of thousands of wishes.

I think about thousands of things at the same time.

I think about the possibilities.

And I fall exhausted on his abdomen, the emotions, tiredness and stress completely exhaust me, leaving me in a black haze that allows me to rest completely.


Two days pass in which they do exams, it is a matter of letting her rest since her body is too exhausted, when they remove the tube from her throat after checking the activity of her lungs they only make her use the oxygen mask.

My brothers are in charge of sending me breakfast, on the food tray is the pack of cigarettes, however, I put them aside because I would have to leave here so I can smoke without being reprimanded for doing so in the room.

As if taking my time, I start thinking again about everything that had just happened since the accident, the death of his mother, the death of his best friend, his family and I end up giving up on all that because it only makes me feel bad about myself. himself for being so damn stupid.

I wasn't able to pay attention to the real blows they were going to give us, I depressed myself with my own problems until she started making moves. His complaints alert me, I move away from the table where I had the food to go over and take his hand, I get up, I caress his cheek with my fingers.

He squeezes his eyes, moves his head as if he were dreaming.

—Emily it's me, calm down, you're safe.

She keeps moving, her eyes open with an appropriate slowness, she tightens her dry reddish lips, I detail them with my thumb and I smile when I see her wake up.

-How do you feel? —I ask returning to my seat—. Does something hurt you?

You can tell by the distressed tone the worry that completely overwhelms me.

—Take it easy, breathe, you shouldn't rush to process everything, take your time, principessa.

I kiss her knuckles which I bring back to my lips, she removes her hand and looks at me quite confused. I try to take her hand again, but she pulls away.

He doesn't want my contact.

She doesn't want me to touch her.

That ultimately seems strange to me, it seems something out of the ordinary and when I smile at her she doesn't return that common smile of hers that I have always loved.

That smile that captivated me from the beginning.

-Who are you?

I remain processing the question for a moment, at first I look at her doubtfully because the question is so out of context.

—I'm Salvatore, love.

-I know you?



