Page 175 of King of Shadows

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When I see his face he loses his expressions, he tries to think deeply about what he did wrong, if something bad is really happening. He shakes his head denying the moment and approaches to release a light smile that covers his true fear.

-You do not remember me?


He approaches to join his hands together, leans his elbows on the stretcher and puts his forehead to his hands trying to find an explanation. I finish with this because it is torture for him, I bring my hand to his cheek, I caress it and I see that his eyes fill with water.

—I will remember you until death wants to know me.

—Fuck, Emily.

"It was a silly joke ." He comes closer to plant his lips on my mouth. A little joke.

—What a terrible mood you are in, woman.

"That's you." I put my hand on his chest to stop the kisses. Salvatore, he was on the plane—he returns to his seat, taking my hand in his—. He planted a bomb that blew up part of the plane, people were dying, Lorenzo tried to protect me at all times until he was shot.

Tears begin to flow on my cheeks, the thing stuck to my nose allows me to breathe because right now my voice wants to falter.

—And I was looking for David, Massimo escaped, he threw himself with something he stole from the plane, I kept screaming until I saw that the tip of the plane exploded and I was about to fall —I sob, closing my eyes, I allow myself to remember the moment and he caresses my hand. forehead with his fingers—I had no other choice.


—David was on the floor—I sniff—he was lying down, I was talking to him and he didn't respond to me. I saw that explode Salvatore, tell me he's alive, tell me please, he's my brother, please.

He leans over his body to look me straight in the eyes, I continue crying waiting to see hope in his blue eyes.

—I'm sorry love, I'm so sorry.


—I know, I'm sorry, I really do.

—No, he can't leave!

Regardless of the cables, he climbs on the stretcher so he can hug me and give me the comfort I need in his arms. I don't know how much time I spend crying, the nurses and doctors watch from the outside, one of them is Adam who with a movement of his hand indicates that he will return later.

At this moment everything hurts me, knowing that Lorenzo lost his life before my eyes, knowing that David was not moving no matter how much I tried to call him to save him, it breaks me in seconds. I stay in his arms, the time to calm down comes at a certain point, I can't spend all my time crying no matter how much I want it to be that way.

—Don't worry, love, they must do tests to rule out other conditions in your body.

-How did you find me?

—We all helped in your rescue.

-Because? Why did you choose me again when I spoke to you like that?

He pinches my cheek causing a slight blush.

"I wasn't going to care what you said because I knew you were doubting something, you weren't aware of it and neither was I because I didn't know what you were afraid of this trip, I always thought you were ready and that you understood the reason for the flight," he says sternly. . There is a hint of guilt in his eyes. I didn't realize that you were intuiting something, if you said that you must keep in mind that I will always be with you, that I will always return to you no matter how much you push me away.

He states, filling my heart with that pleasant sensation, no one stops the fluttering in my stomach and I know it's not from hunger.

» I will never hesitate to do everything I can for you, I will always come back and you will always be my first option in all aspects of my life. You will always be that person I consult first, the one I talk to first, the one I reach out to if something in my life is not going well. You will be my first for everything, you should not doubt that because I promised you a life where you would enjoy every minute, a family where you and I would do that teamwork that our families never did. And that is why we do not hesitate to put our people to work, there is a group of people who always help us in matters at sea, whether they hide bodies or pass merchandise without the navy soldiers noticing . They were the ones who helped us find you, it took hours, I was frustrated and when we found you they brought you to the hospital to treat you. The four of us have been here, although I have been the one who has seen you the most. After that I went to kill Fabian, he deserved it for everything he did to you, for everything he did to my brother, he died in such a chaotic way that I will always be willing to tell it.

I smile at him, leaning my head on his chest, I allow myself to listen to the strong beating of his heart, for a moment while I saw those pieces of ship or humans falling into the sea I thought that I would never be able to hear its beat again, to get lost in it. the sea of his eyes or seeing him smile for some stupid thing he said.
