Page 192 of King of Shadows

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—I'm already quite well and he said not to do anything fast, so hard that it will make me lose my breath a lot.

He thinks about it a little, I eat a couple of cheeses along with the fish salad they have made, for the weather and where we are it is delicious and fresh to eat some freshly filleted and seasoned fish like the cooks in the house know how to do.

—That means I have to make love to you, right?

—Do you make love?

—I doubt it, but I could try.

—We'll see, now I want to eat, drink and talk.

—Talk about what?

"And I'm the dirty one," I huff, feigning false offense.

—Of course you are, love.

He holds my thigh in his hand so he can squeeze it, we both talk about trivial things that even help us get to know each other better. It is inevitable not to notice that Salvatore seems less tense, less absorbed in his own problems, something inside him stopped weighing him down.

A burden like the one he carried all the time on his shoulders has vanished, I don't act weak, when he flatters me for having been the one to bury the knife in the back of Alessio's neck, I accept the compliment, letting my cheeks turn red.

I couldn't believe that at that moment we were all so tired that despite that we gave our last breath to finish off our enemies, we fought, we screamed and we tried to get up when we thought we were finished. We were at a point where death was so close to us telling us that it was time to meet it, however, something had prevented that encounter and it was not just my merit, it was everyone's that we fought not for love or love as a family, we fought because all of us knew that we deserved a different ending.

We deserved to be happy, we deserved to move forward in life and not go away believing that we never managed to overcome things from the past.

I believe that every story has something great to tell, but in order to tell it you must face a war that only you and your security will give you the answer if you win or not.

We were not that perfect couple who did not make mistakes, who from the beginning fell in love arose from a crush. No, our mistakes came to light from the moment we saw each other's faces remembering all the lustful disorder that had arisen in Salvatore's bar.

The non-perfect couple is us, those who know how to learn from their mistakes, those who know how to overcome, move forward and who stay together because life is less cruel when the two of us stay together.

I didn't regret it at all, falling in love with him at an early or late age or time is something that didn't interest me because the most important thing was what I felt for him and everything he provoked in me with a simple kiss or with simple words that They made butterflies flutter around my abdomen.


When night comes Salvatore tells me that we are going out so I put on a black sarong and the black bikini top so that it is the same tone. I don't dress up much, I just put my hair in a high ponytail and wear low sandals. He enters the door wearing another shirt that is black and white shorts that reach the middle of his thighs. He never changes his wardrobe.

He puts on his black loafers, a couple of accessories and completely perfumes the bedroom with his cologne, I start to cough.

—Fuck, pour the whole bottle if you want.

—I have to smell good, your man must always smell good.

-You almost killed me.

—Don't be exaggerated, you spread half a coconut-flavored lipstick with chocolate stripes, leaving my lips greasy.

—But you like my kisses with that flavor.

He ends up laughing and then takes my hand, Cookie at this time is already quite asleep in her little bed that is inside our room. I follow him at all times, we leave the house and he takes me to the car where he begins the trip, forgetting about the safety at home. I see that he knows the place very well, but I am even more surprised that we are not going to a restaurant, he parks directly in front of a tall white board where a light is projected, he does not let me get out, his car is a convertible so I wait until the roof frees us, giving way to the free breeze.

—You once wanted to go to a drive-in, here we are.


—Yes, just for the two of us —I look excitedly at the starry sky—. And no dirty talk Emily, this is really serious.

—I'm not as slutty as you think.
